Chapter 1

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Disclaimer - I don't own any of the characters except for the ones in this chapter. The Maze Runner is the creation from the amazing James Dashner. Gotta love that man's mind.

A/N - Heyhey! So before I start, my English isn't the best. So any feedback is welcome! This story is a fanfic, soooo it's not going to be the exact same as the books. (Surprise) One last thing, this isn't going to be a story where they're getting together super quick, so if that's what you like I don't think this is for you. Well, I hope you'll enjoy!


Update-ish! - I'm starting with rewriting/editing, I'll try to get most spelling/grammar mistakes out that I missed when I started writing this (About 1.5/2 years ago). The story stays the same!  Again, Thank you for reading! Love you all!

Edited on: 27/08/2019


Life is boring, I think we can all agree on that. At least my life is. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and my friends, but I would like to have an adventure. Just like the books I read, or the movies and TV shows I watch. I know the reason those books are fun is because it's fiction, those things don't really happen. Maybe that's a good thing, but I still wouldn't mind having a small adventure of my own.

   My name is Callidora, or Cally for short, I've been called Cal a few times too, not my favorite nickname though. I live with my mom, Jennifer; my older, sisters Lily; my twin brother, Ezra and my younger brother Darren in a house near the beach. I'm not really a big fan of water, nor the sea. I can swim, but not knowing what's in it really creeps me out. You know what I mean?
     Anyway, let's get to the story. One Monday morning I was running to school. Running? Yes, running. I love running. I'm a street runner, you know, one of those people who run and do all kinds of tricks. Yes I know, we're show-offs, but I just love running. It's a short 15 minutes run to school. Easy-peasy.
     I was wearing my black boots, blue skinny jeans, a black tank top with a loose, purple, long sleeved shirt over it with a My Chemical Romance logo on it. Revenge era of course, my favorite album.
     I wasn't carrying my backpack, that's not a good idea when you're running as much as I do. It gets really annoying having something bounce around on your back. So instead I was wearing one of those leg bags. You know? The ones that people use while horseback riding. It's a bag that's kinda small and bound to your leg and waist. It contains everything I need, keys, a water bottle, my wallet, an extra bag I can use when needed, my trustworthy mp3-player, my phone, a pocket knife and some other stuff.
     I absolutely love running. The sound of my boots echoed through the backstreets and alleyways. I didn't need to take the small, dark tunnels if I wanted to get from my home to the school, but that didn't stop me from using them. There practically was no wind today, but while running I created my own. The fresh air blowing through my hair and adrenaline pumping through my body. 
     I would have loved to have continued running for hours, but unfortunately, I had arrived at school and had to stop. I've had enough speeches about not running in the school to know I don't want another one.
    I barely had opened my locker to take my biology books for my first class out of it, when I already heard a voice from behind me.
     "There you are, Cally! I was starting to think that you got hit by a bus on your way." I smiled as I turned around to see Felix. My boyfriend.
     "Unfortunately not. If I had I wouldn't have to see your face again." Felix did as if his feelings were hurt by grabbing his chest dramatically. I chuckled as I walked to him and kissed his cheek.
     "Don't be so dramatic, my fellow Killjoy. Let's get to class."
     Just like every day at this school, it went by way to slow, like really slow. I enjoy biology, I want to become a doctor some day, but the other classes were so boring.
     When the bell rang after the last class I couldn't wait to go to work. Yes, you heard me, I love my job. I work at the library in town. It doesn't pay much, but I love it.
     "Running off already?" Felix said when I put in one earplug. He had caught up to me just as I walked out of the school entrance.
     "Well, I don't want to be late." I said, turning around to face him.
     "Yeah, I know." Felix brushed some of his jet-black hair out of his eyes. "I just though we could walk together."
     Really? Walking? I thought, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. I don't want to walk... well it isn't that far. "Yeah okay. Let's walk." I eventually answered. I put away my earphones and walked beside my boyfriend.
     "So summer vacation is coming soon." He started.
     Ow, there it is. I tried to suppress an eye roll. The reason for the walking. What is it he wants? 
     "Yeah I know. So?"
     "So, me and the boys want to rent a house for about two weeks. Like to join us?" 
     God no.  "You mean, you, Mason, the two that actively dislike me, and Jack all together in one house for two weeks?"
     "They're not that bad! Also, the guys don't dislike you, they just have.. different interests." He said with a shrug. "Besides, Jack will bring his new girl, they have been together for about two months now, which is pretty long for him."
     "Yeah? Good for him." The moment it came out of my mouth, I realized how mean that sounded, but Felix didn't seem to notice or care.
     "So are you coming, Princess?"
     "I will think about it. But I don't know if I can take being in one place with 5 boys for that long."
     Felix grinned, "you mean you don't want to be with 5 boys in one place for that long."
     I couldn't help the awkward smile that came on my lips, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Yeah... you know me..."
     "You bet, my little Cally." Fe stated with a big smile on his lips while he lay one arm over my shoulders. "Can read for 2 days straight, but can't be with other humans for longer than 8 hours."
     Not really knowing how to react on that, I looked down, my hair falling partly in my face while I rubbed my arm. "Sorry..."
     This just seemed to amuse Felix as he started to laugh. "Ow, Cally, always apologizing for nothing." He used the arm that he had around my shoulder to press me a little closer against him. "You know I don't mind. I love you. Sometimes, I just wished you would go out more. That's all."
     "I do go out... just not to bars, or clubs..."
     "I know, Princess, I know."
     After some time talking about different subjects, (mostly school) we arrived at the library. Felix and I said goodbye, and he walked back home.
     The library is a small one. In the front there were the new books, but in the room in the back were the old ones. The only thing is that I am not allowed there. It's really annoying.
     I work with two other people, the owner, Mr. Gibs and his niece, Jennifer. Not my mom, but a girl from my own age. We met on the job and now we're friends. She wasn't here today, though. Today, it was just Mr. Gibs and I.
     At least that's what I thought, but when I got there the door was closed. I used my key to get in and found a letter on the desk. It was from Mr. Gibs, for me:

Dear Miss Noble,

I would like to inform you that I am out to get a few supplies. I will be back around 20:00.

I trust you to take good care of the Library and as always, stay away from the back room.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Gibs


Well, it's just me than. I thought. And of course, as the good employee I am, I didn't go into the back room.


At least for about the first hour. There wasn't anyone around, I was reading Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban for like, the 13th time. When I couldn't take it anymore. It's just a room! I won't touch anything. I will just sneak a peek. Just one. He wouldn't notice. He isn't even here. Having convinced myself completely- which wasn't very hard- I  took the key from the hiding spot beneath one of the bookshelves behind the desk and opened the door. As it opened with a high-pitched squeak, it gave me the feeling that I just got caught shop lifting.
     The room itself was small, but it wasn't filled with old books as Mr. Gibs had told me. It was filed with all kinds of old things. There were statues and bolls made out of glass and weird herbs. Every single object and plant seemed to be covered in layers upon layers of dust. Except for one item. There was one book in the room. Just one. Without hesitation, I walked to it. Well, I could just open it. A book is made to be read, so why not?
     I opened the book, expecting something in an old language that I couldn't read, but the book was empty. There wasn't anything written in it. I turned some pages, but it was really empty. No drop of ink could be seen. I wanted to close the book and put it back again until I reached the last page. There still wasn't anything written, but there was a leather bracelet on it. Well, that's not what I expected.... I took the bracelet out of the book. It was brown with some small engravings on it. It's actually pretty cool.
     The sound of a little bell ringing made me look up. There was someone in the shop. Quickly, I closed the book, walked out of the room, and locked the door.
     An older woman was walking around the shelves, eyes scanning the backs of the books. I let out a relieved sigh, thank God it's not Mr. Gibs.
     "Miss Noble, I'm back." Mr. Gibs entered the shop, carrying two bags.
     Ow, speak of the devil... "Hello Mr. Gibs, let me help you with that." I walked to him, only to realize I was still holding the bracelet. Quickly, I put it in my back pocket and helped my boss bring the bags to the back of the shop. While I was helping him, my thoughts were going crazy. I'm sooo dead when he finds out what I did! How am I ever going to put it back without him noticing? Ug!- Of course, don't be stupid. I'll just put it back when he isn't here. But when is that? I really need to think this through before I do this... Mr. Gibs is almost always in the shop....
     "Callidora, darling, can you come and help me with those books?"
     "Of course, Mr. Gibs."
     The last half an hour I was working the time went faster than normal. Weird, seeing school went so slowly. Anyway, just as I had done this morning, I ran back home. As I entered the house, I didn't expect to be alone, but I was. Then I realized that my youngest brother Darren had a school play tonight. Mom, Ezra, and Lily were going to watch. I wanted to come as well, but I couldn't cancel work.
     After a quick, microwaved dinner, I made my way to my room. I turned on the fairy lights that decorated most of the place before carelessly plopping down on my soft bed. Only to get up almost immediately. I wanted to read something, but what? I had just finished Harry Potter, again. But I didn't feel like reading the 4th book just yet. I let my eyes scan all the bookshelves in my room until my attention got drawn to a book I hadn't had the motivation to pick up until now. It was called: The Maze Runner. I had seen the movies before, but couldn't remember much... I've read so many books and seen so many movies since then, sometimes remembering all of it is hard. Especially since I hadn't been the biggest fan of the movies. My friend Jennifer took me to the first one and the second one, but to be honest, I only went with her to the second movie to do her a favor. I mean, what else are best friends for? 
     Happy with my choice, I lay back down in my bed and started reading. It didn't take long before my eyes started to get heavy, and I just couldn't keep them open anymore. Causing me to drift away in the dark, soon finding myself in a dreamless sleep.

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