Chapter 50

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Cally's pov

Shortly after the girl had woken up, Clint and some other Shank took her to the Homestead. While Alby and Newt were busy attacking the Newbie with questions that he couldn't answer. Me, on the other hand, hadn't moved since I had read the words on the piece of paper.
     I was confused to say at least. Not because of what was written on the paper- well, also because of the paper- but it was just a small reason for my confusion.
     Since I had opened my eyes I felt weak and dozed. My mind was spinning, I tried my hardest to focus, get things ordered in my head. It just didn't work. Everything that was going on around me felt unreal, as if I was still sleeping and all of it was just part of a dream.
     Ezra lay a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him, a moment later, he took my arms and helped me stand. As he let go of my arm, my eyes fell on a metal looking bracelet on my wrist. A bracelet? Was this there before? Why do I have the feeling there's something wrong with it?
     "Cally?" I looked up from my arm to see a familiar face standing in front of me. It took me a second before I found the name that belonged to it, though, but I remembered. "Jeff," I said softly, more to myself as to confirm I had the right name, I was right.
     "Yes, that's me. How're you feeling?"
     "Did somebody drug me?" I asked without really thinking about it.
     Jeff's brows furrowed. "I don't know. Why? Do you feel like you've been drugged?"
     I nodded slowly, my head very sensitive to the movement. "I don't get it.... what's going on? Who was that girl? Why was I in the box? How did I get there?"
     "Slow down, sis," Ezra started, "we'll get to that shit later."
     "Yes," Jeff sided with him, "let's first make sure you're okay, Shank." After I nodded in agreement again, Jeff gently took my arm and started walking towards the Homestead.
     Once we walked through the door, there fell some kind of silence. I could feel the staring eyes on me while we walked up the stairs. "Why are they staring at us?" I asked the two guys beside me, the annoyance clear in my voice. The two didn't answer, though. They just kept walking.
     When we walked into the Med-room, I got the feeling there was something off. Like there was something missing, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I stared at Clint, who was busy with the unconscious girl. Jeff asked me to sit down while he took some things from the drawers, so I did.
     He started examining my body functions and gave me a bottle of water, which I drank without hesitation. My head was starting to clear out again.
     Ezra was sitting a few feet away against the wall, but he also kept looking at me with every move I made. It was annoying. "Can you just tell me what's going on?"
     Jeff opened his mouth to answer me, but Clint was first. He just didn't answer my question, he asked another one. His voice was a little higher than usual, and I could hear the slight panic in it, "where's Ben?"
     Then it hit me. The thing that had been off about the Med-Room. It wasn't an it. It was a he. I remembered that Ben had been stung a few days ago, he had been lying here ever since. But not now.
     Jeff's face changed, I could see the blood draining from it as he also realized Ben was gone. They both shot up from where they were sitting, "Cally, stay here. We'll be back." Clint said as they both left the room in a rush.
     "This fucking day, man..." Ezra mumbled to himself.
     I looked up at him, "can you stop being cryptic for a second and just tell me what's going on!"
     Ezra sighed before answering me, "yesterday, after we got the Greenie out of the box, you fell in. And it went down with you."
     I thought about that for a moment, "I fell.... how did I fall?"
     "You got another wave, got dizzy and fell." 
     Wave? What.... Ow yeah! The memory waves.... I got those after I took the bracelet off... My eyes grew wider as I looked down at my wrist. There was a new bracelet around it. This time they hadn't even taken the effort to make it look subtle. It was bigger, longer and heavier. They did make it look like leather again though.
     "No, nononono, no!" I said while almost jumping up myself, startling Ezra.
     "Calm down, Cally. They'll find Ben, he's fucked up. He won't get far like that."
     "What? No. Ben'll be fine. That's not.... look!" I walked closer to him while sticking out my arm, "they replaced it! Those developers, they replaced my bracelet with a new one! I need to take it off again..."  I started walking to the door, but Ezra blocked my way.
     "No, you're staying right here."
     I looked surprised at my twin, "excuse me? You're not the boss of me."
     "I don't care. You stay right here, as Clint said, until we know you're alright."
     I sighed, "I'm fine! Now let me go."
     "You said you felt like you were drugged! You're not fucking leaving."
     I narrowed my eyes at him, but Ezra gave me a stern look back. It occurred to me that Ez wasn't going to back down, so I sighed and threw my hands up in defeat. "Okay, I'll stay." I said as I sat back down on the bed.
     "Look, sister, if you want I could go and get Alby or Newt. So we can talk about what to do."
     I waved his offer away, "no need to bother them right now. I'm sure Alby and Newt already have enough to do."
     "Bother me? You could never bother me, Cals." I looked behind me to see Newt standing in the doorway, smile on his face.
     "Where you standing behind the door waiting to make a dramatic entrance?" I asked mockingly.
     Newt shook his head, ignoring my question while still smiling, "what didn't ya want to bothor us with?" He asked as he sat down right beside me.
     I stuck out my arm to him so he could see the bracelet. He took my arm and touched the bracelet, "they gave me a new one."
     "I guess we're not allowed to take those fucking things off." Ezra added.
     Newt looked back at the bracelet with a frown on his face before looking at me, "how're ya feelin'?"
     I shrugged, "I'm okay. Still a bit fuzzy though.... but that's more than we can say about sleeping beauty over there." I said while turning to her. The short black hair and the pale skin. She was really beautiful. I glanced over at Newt, he was looking at her as well. I couldn't read the look in his eyes, but I didn't like the way he looked at her. Wait.... am I... jealous...? Quickly I shook the thought away, but I couldn't get entirely rid of the feeling itself.
     "Do ya know who she is?" Newt asked me.
     I bit down on my bottom lip, trying to remember her name. I knew I knew her name, I just couldn't think of it right now. "I..... I think I... I think I do....  know her name...." I closed my eyes to concentrate, "I just can't...." I covered my face in my hands. Why can't I just remember?
     I looked up at Newt when I felt his hand on my leg. He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes, "it's okay, Cals. Don't break your head over it. Not yet anyways. Ya just got back."
     "So? I fell down yesterday? I haven't been gone for that long. And yet you do interrogate the Newbie, but not me. A bit unfair don't you think?" 
     Before Newt could answer me the door opened and there were Jeff and Thomas. Immediately my eyes fell on the blood dripping from his neck. "What happened?" I asked concerned.
     "Ben attacked him." Jeff answered shortly as he got some things from the drawers. "Me and Clint are gonna be busy with Ben. Can you take care of him, Cally?"
     "Ben? What happened to Ben?" Newt asked, but Jeff waved it off.
     "Later, Newt. I need to go." He said as he left the room again.
     I looked up at Thomas, who was still bleeding. "Com'n, Newbie, let me take a look at that." I said while getting up from the bed and gesturing him to sit down.
     I took a bottle of water and started to clean the blood from around the wound. The bleeding was already stopping, as I got a better look at the shape of the wound it occurred to me that it looked a lot like teeth marks. "Are these teeth marks? did Ben bite you?"
     Thomas nodded, "yeah, yes, he did."
     I turned around and took one of the alcohol bottles out of a drawer and disinfected the wound. "Did he bite you anywhere else? Or do you have any other injuries I need to look at?"
     "I don't think so, no." He said, he was obviously shaken up about what happened.
     "What happened down there, Shank?" Newt asked bluntly, earning a glare from me, which he ignored.
     "Ben attacked me in the woods, and Alby shot him with an arrow through the head." The guy answered with a trace of disbelief and disgust.
     My eyes grew wide, and I covered my mouth with my hands, Alby did what?
     "Where are they?" Newt urged. When I looked at him, I could see the worry all over his face.
     "The Graveyard," Thomas answered him. Without another word, Newt walked out of the room, leaving me with Ezra and Thomas.
     I put a bandage over the wound on Thomas's shoulder as my stomach started making dying whale noises. Reminding me of the hunger I had felt since I had woken up.
     "What the hell was that?" Ezra asked amused, but I'm sure he already knew.
     "Well, I guess my stomach is making the rumblies."
     "Rumblies?" Ezra asked through a small chuckle.
     "Yeah, rumblies. I guess I'm hungry for hands."
     "What did you say?" Thomas's bewildered look made me wanne burst out laughing.
     "I'm hungry for hands. You don't need yours anymore, right?" The confusion on the Newbies face got replaced with terror.
     "Caaaaaarrrlllll, you can't eat his hands. He still needs them!" Ezra had caught my drift, and he and I tried really hard not to start laughing at Thomas's face.
     "EZRA!" We heard Gally's voice come from down the stairs, "GET YOUR SHUCK ASS DOWN HERE!"  We exchanged looks before he rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.
     I turned my attention back to Thomas, who still was looking like I had lost my mind. I couldn't keep my laughter in anymore, so I let it out.
     After I got control over myself again, I swatted Thomas on the back, "Just messing with ya. But seriously, I'm starving, lets get something to eat."


Edited: 28/12/20

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