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"Why can't I come with you?" I ask, frustrated. Minutes ago, we found out where Danile could be possibly hiding. Zayn was fine with me looking with him for Macit, so why was he worked up about looking for Daniel?

It didn't make any sense.

"Hope, do you know where West Park is?" Macit asks now. He was pissed too. What the hell is wrong with these two? Why are they so pissed today?

"Yes, I do know where it is," I say, matter-of-factly. Truth is, I didn't really know the specific location, but I knew it wasn't far from where we lived before this whole thing happened - escaping from the enemy. Zayn pinched the bridge of his nose while Macit looked pissed than ever.

"Geez, why are you both so worked up? Who put your knickers in a twist?" I ask them, still confused about how they're behaving.

"Hope, West Park is literally 15 minutes away from where we lived, don't you get it?!" Macit says.

"No! I don't get it, please enlighten me with what you know," I sarcastically remark.

"HOPE, THEY COULD BE STILL IN THE AREA, SEARCHING FOR US. WHAT IF WE GO BACK THERE AND THEY HAVE MEN ON THE LOOKOUT, WAITING FOR US TO COME HOME? THEY KNEW WE WON'T LAST IF WE STAY FAR FROM HOME, EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO HOME IN THE END," he yelled. He grabbed his hair in his hands out of frustration, which was a habit of his, something that he always did.

Oh. Oh. "I-I'm sorry, I forgot about that. I got so excited that we may possibly have tracked down where Daniel could be, that I forgot Petro's men could be on the lookout. You know what excitement does to people," I shrug.

"It's alright, Hope, everything's fine. Just, just think more alright. I'm afraid you're going to do something without thinking about it, you tend to do the action without the thinking first," Macit says.

"So, I'm not coming with you?" I ask again.

"No, you're not." Macit purses his lip in a tight line.

"Plus, I'll go with him, so you don't have to worry about a thing," Zayn says.

"What about me? I'll stay here all by myself? I don't even know when you guy will come back or what'll happen to you guys!" I yell.

"Hope, you can't come with us and that's final!" Macit yells back.

It's a habit of ours really, yelling at each other. Macit and I were the stubborn ones, while Mira and Daniel were the shy ones - not that we weren't shy, we were - but they listen to whatever others have to say and we simply do whatever we want to do. I know yelling isn't going to get us anywhere, but it's the way we solve most of our problems. Crazy, I know, but that's just the way my brother and I are.

"But I can't stay alone! What if something happens to me?" I ask them, now fearing what would happen if they left me all alone.

"We'll ask one of my friends to come stay with you. Oh yeah, there's Gemma. She's Harry's sister, remember him?" Zayn looks at me, brow raised.

I nod at him. Harry was the one who got into the car accident, with the brown chocolate curls and the most perfect shade of green eyes I've ever seen. He was very sweet and had a girlfriend of his own. Her name was Elena, and they've been dating for 3 years, so I've been told. I haven't met her, but from what I'm hearing, she seems like a really nice and out-going person, and I want to get to know her, if I ever had the chance.

"Alright, I'll ask her to come. It's 1:30 PM, so it should be fine. She doesn't have work or anything as far as I know, and hopefully she'll be able to stay with you until we come back."

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