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A/N: what is it with me today???? i'm updating a lot????? on the same day???? wHAT????

enjoy the chapter & follow me on twitter: @asht0nish

the o is a zero.



"Come on, Hope, we're going to be late!" Daniel yelled from the other side of the door. 

"Okay, I'm done," I told him. He opened the door, letting me out first.

We were all getting ready to go to pick up my parents from the airport. We were back at Zayn's house, but the other day, we went back to my house, the house I used to live in, and I cleaned it up and made sure everything was in its right place so that when my parents came home, they didn't have to worry about cleaning the house and they could just relax.

The boys were all here, and they were watching t.v. while some of them were waiting for us to come down so that we could go to the airport.

"Who's coming again?" Macit asked.

"Zayn, you, me, Daniel, Harry, and Niall," I told him.

"Alright then, if everyone's ready, let's go," Zayn said. "Keep an eye on the house guys, and don't burn it down!"

"We won't!" Ashton yelled.

The whole car ride we were all singing songs and just having a good time. For the first time in forever, I actually felt content. I had no care in the world. Everything was going great. My life was back to normal. I can't wait to see my mom, dad and little sister. I've missed them so much, words cannot describe how much I have longed to hug each and every one of them. You never realize how much you love a person until they're away from you for a while.

I cannot wait to see my mom and tell her all about Zayn and the boys. I'll tell her about everything that happened and how Zayn helped me.  I really hope they love Zayn as much as I do. He's a really great guy, and I'm so glad he's in my life. He turned my life upside down and took care of me like I was a fragile thing that could be broken into pieces if I fell.

"Are you excited?" Zayn asked us.

"Yes!" My brothers and I chorused.

I was glad that everyone was smiling and was happy. That's all I ever want for people in life. I want everyone to be happy and to smile. There are so many reasons to smile and I hope that they keep smiling. We finally reached the airport, and I got out of the car as fast as I can. I took my brothers' hands in mine and ran to the door.

We waited for them to come out, and after fifteen minutes, there they were. Mom, dad, Mira.

They all looked well. They looked happy, with big smiles on their faces. I was content. I was glad that they all looked healthy and well. I didn't want my parents and sister to worry a lot about me, Daniel and Macit. We could handle whatever life throws at us and they didn't need to tire themselves out. 

I ran up to my parents and sister, with my brothers. "Mom! Dad! Mira!"

My mom was the first to engulf me in a hug. "Oh, my baby girl. How I've missed you, sweetheart."

"Mommy, I missed you too," I said, as she kissed my cheek. 

"You're well, right? Everything's fine?" she asked me, taking a good look at me.

"Everything's fine mom. It's over," I told her before quickly hugging her, and moving on to my dad.

"Daddy!" I squealed as he hugged me.

"Darling, my sweet daughter, how are you?" he told me, holding me tight.

"I'm fine, how are you, dad?" I asked him.

"I'm better, now that I've seen you and your brothers," he told me, smiling.

"What about me, you big noob?" a female voice came from behind me.

"Mira! You've gotten taller, haven't you?" I asked her, taking a quick look at her, before hugging her tight. Aw my little sister. I cannot wait to tell her about everything.

"I don't really know to be honest," she told me, smiling.

"Stop growing taller, you'll look older than me," I told her.

"Who's that?" she pointed at Zayn.

"Heh, about that, that's my boyfriend," I told her proudly.

Her eyes widened. "You have a boyfriend?" she said loud enough for my parents to hear.

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" my dad said. Here comes the protective father. 

"Dad, mom, Mira, I'd like you guys to meet Zayn, my boyfriend. These are Harry and Niall, two of his best friends," I told them as they all shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Evergreen," Zayn said as he shook my parents hands. Niall and Harry said the same thing. They were all so polite and I can already tell that my parents loved them.

"Come on, let's go home," Daniel said, as we all started walking out towards Zayn's car.

Zayn took my hand in his, enterlacing our fingers. "Do you think they liked me?"

"Oh, they love you already," I told him. He raised our hands, kissing the back of my hand. I giggled and blushed.

"You're blushing," he told me, poking my cheek.

"It never stops," I told him truthfully.

"I know that baby," he told me. 

"Let's go home now," he smiled at me, teeth showing. I smiled back at him. 

Let's go home. 


I hope you all liked the chapter.

Have a nice day. <3 :)

Or goodnight.

Time zones man. They drive me nuts.

It's currently 3:58 AM and I'm just about to post this. I updated three times today.

Okay, bye. <3

I love you. Thank you for voting & reading.


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