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So my unit test got rescheduled for next week, and I thought I'd might as well write the chapter and post it today.

Hope you guys like it! :)



I don't know how long I've been running for, but noticing the city lights shining infront of my eyes, I guess I've been running for quite a long while. I'm very far from home. I don't know what happened to Daniel, but I hope he managed to escape. If he didn't, my heart will shatter to pieces, and I don't know if I could go on with life knowing my brother has been captured, possibly getting tortured. I can't live with the thought of him gone. My thoughts drift to Macit, wondering about his whereabouts, and if he has already found a place to stay in. 

I know my parents and my sister have been taken to safety, but I'm still worrying. I worry a lot, and I've been told so many times not to, but I can't help. It's literally in my blood. It's like someone placed a worry needle into my veins when I was born. To be quite honest, I do like to worry, even though it does get annoying after a while, and it makes my head pound, but I still think worrying is a good trait to have. When you worry, you are caring about someone you love, whether it be a human, or an animal. But sometimes, I worry too much. I start thinking negatively, thinking of the many possible ways someone I love could get hurt, and I end up getting upset and hurting myself. I think that's the thing I don't like about worrying -it pains me. 

As I walk in the busy street, lots of stores appear, with posters saying 'SALE' and a bunch of people inside. People are walking on the sidewalk, all dressed up, looking like they're going to a party of some sort. I have no clue where I am, but I do now I'm in some part of the rich part of the city. I've never been here before, as I am quite the 'home sweet home' person. I didn't like the idea of going out, talking to people and just doing... whatever it is people do when they go outside. I've always liked staying at home, reading, writing and simply being at peace. 

Peace is long gone, a voice in the back of my head says. 

It is, isn't it?

I won't be waking up to see my family everyday, I won't be up waking up feeling relaxed, and I won't be waking up feeling safe. Everything that was normal in my life has been snatched away by the horrible hurricane, leaving me stranded, alone, in the remaining pieces of what I call home. 

As I passed by a couple stores, people gave me weird stares. They're probably thinking, what's a girl like her doing here? Shouldn't she be else where? Oh my God, look at her. Look at her clothes. I can imagine that that's what they're thinking about me in their head. I know, I look horrible, but if anyone cared to listen, they'd understand why. I hear a couple of murmurs as I walk by two women, dressed up in classy dresses, and sparkling high heels, with their face perfectly painted with makeup, and hair done like they've just went out of the salon. They keep murmuring behind me, not knowing that I can actually hear them.

That's it.

"What?!" I yell at them. I couldn't stand them anymore.

"N-nothing." They both stammer, walking away seconds after. They didn't think I would snap at them like that, nor did they know that I've been listening to what they've been saying about me. To be honest, I didn't want to yell at them, but when someone is talking behind your back, and you can hear them, wouldn't you do the same? Wouldn't you stand up for yourself?

I keep walking, the stores getting out of sight, peolpe walking on the sidewalk becoming tiny spots from afar as I turn around still walking. 

The street lights are dim in this part of the city, no lights coming from the houses on the other end of the street, and fear builds up inside of me. I'm too caught up in my thoughts, that I don't notice when I bump into a hard chest.

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