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i have time to update today yaaay! this isn't like very important... i'm blabbering.. this is not needed. enjoy reading.. :)



Passion. A strong and barely controllable emotion. Passion is how I would describe this kiss right now. Our lips molded together so perfeclty, and I can feel the sparks. Fireworks are going on in my head right now, and it's a party in my tummy. After a few minutes, we both pull away, panting for breaths. 

"Wow," is all I say.

"Wow," Zayn repeats.

We stare at each other, not saying anything at all, but enjoying the comfortable silence. It's safe to say that this is the best kiss I've ever had. That - and the fact that Zayn was my first kiss.

I was too caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't realize Zayn was talking to me.

"Hello? Earth to Hope?" he says, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oops, sorry," I blush yet again.

"Are you going to blush every time I say something?" he asks cheekily.

I look up at him, staring into his hazel honey eyes that I love. "No," I say and feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I'm never going to stop blushing, am I?

"You look cute," he says.

I look down at my feet again, my face growing even more red. 

I didn't look up at him afterwards. I was trying to not blush again, and so far it's working. Scratch that.

Zayn tilted my chin up to look at him. I avert my eyes away from him, too shy to look at him. 

"Look at me." I don't.

"Hope." I do.

"Don't hide your face from me, alright? I think you look even more adorable when you blush," he says.

"Really now?" I ask him, eyebrow up, smile tugging at my lips.


He surprises me when he gives me another peck on my lips. My heart melts, and I blush once again. I may have a blushing problem.

"Zayn, can I tell you something?"

"Sure thing."

"Um, when we uh, you know, just kissed, that was um, well.. You were my first kiss," I admit.

"Did you like it?"

"Best kiss I've ever had."

"I'm glad I was your first kiss," he wraps his hands around my waist and surprises me even more with what he says next, "You have no idea how bad I wanted to do that."

"Really now?"


"Zayn Malik, were you dreaming about kissing me?" I tease playfully.

"May be," he says.

"We're even now."

He smiles. We stare at each other once again, before Zayn pulls me into him, my head on his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around my waist.

"Zayn, what are we?"

"Human," he replies.

"No, like we kissed, what does that make us?" I ask him curiously.

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