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"Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns." -Anne Lamott


Emptiness. The state of containing nothing. The feeling of numbness. Darkness. Fear can only grow in darkness and the only way to face it is with light. However, there was no light. I was sat in a dark room, hands and legs tied with very rough rope, on a chair. My back was killing me, my neck was aching due to my seating position, and I can see nothing. I cannot hear anything. I don't know where I am, or if there's someone in the room with me. 

I want to scream. I can't. 

They have taped my mouth shut since they know I will yell for help once I awake. Where's Macit? Where's Daniel? Where's Zayn? I don't recall anything from yesterday and I think as hard as I could so that I remember. Zayn, attick, party, sadness, darkness. Yesterday's events play in my mind and I choke on my own breath. They found us. They found us and they're going to kill us. I panic, so I scream, but it's muffled. Stupid tape. Damn you, Petro. A tear streams down my face. I silently cry, knowing it wouldn't help if I yelled or cried as loud as I could. My life was once peaceful, and happy, now it's dangerous and sad. I wish I never overheard my parents' conversation. I wish I never heard the name Petro. I wish I never asked my parents about him. I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self to stop snooping around, stop being nosy. I wish I could, but I can't. My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach. This cannot be the end. No. I have to make it out of here alive. I have to. I promised mom I'd stay strong no matter what. I promised everyone I'd get back on my feet. I promised myself. 

I wiggle my hands in the rope, and I hiss under my breath. This rope is so rough, it's going to cause a bruise on my wrists. I wiggle my hands again, but I stop before the rope cuts my flesh. Did it have to be so damn tight?! It's not like I can see where the door is. It's all dark and I honestly don't know what's going to happen. I give up trying and just think about the time I overheard my parents talking about Petro.


"Do you not know how big of a risk this is?! We can't stay here for longer! The kids are growing up and they're going to start asking questions. Leo, we can't. They're so young, I'm not staying here any longer," my mom says, tears streaming down her face.

My dad wipes away her tears. He cups her face in his hands and kisses her forehead. What are they talking about? "I know how dangerous it is, I want to leave too."

"Then if you knonw how dangerous it is, take us all away from here! Don't let us stay here for more, please," my mom argues.

"I'm trying everything I can Mona! I'm trying everything I can. Petro threatened me, don't you get it? If I step foot off this property, a gun shot will pierce right through my heart!"

I gasp. I was so terrified. Who wanted to kill daddy? Daddy's very nice and he's kind. He helps make people's teeth better. How could Petro hate him that much to the point of taking his life? I hadn't realized that my parents have indeed caught me listening in on their conversation, until my mom spoke up.

"H-hope?" my mom asks, voice stuttering. 

"Were you eavesdropping?" my dad asks me softly. I shake my head no. 

"I heard someone crying and I wanted to see what the problem was," I reason.

"You could've knocked the door," my mom says, "There's nothing to worry about honey, go to bed."

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