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I look in the cupboards for something to devour. I needed to think of a way to put Gemma and Harry to sleep. I need to do this to them, as bad as it sounds. I have to. 

After looking for some food, I finally find a pack of frozen pizza, hidden in the very back of the freezer. Oh Zayn, you and your pizza. I hurry and put the pizza in the over, waiting for it to heat up, while I get three glasses, pour some coke in them. I go to the cupboards where the medicine is kept. 

Something that makes them sleepy, I thought to myself. I need to find something that will get them to sleep. 

Nope, not this one. I go to the next one. This one expired two years ago. I throw it out. Ah, yes. This one. I take two tablets, put it in the coke, stir it so that it dissolves, and then get a tray to put the food on. 

I come back to the living room, to find the siblings watching Pretty Little Liars. My favorite. I so desperately want to know who the hell A is, and what's her/his problem. At this point, they keep changing who A is, and I'm starting to get annoyed. I place the food on the table, catching both Harry and Gemma's attention. 

"Dinner is served!" I say, a smile tugging on my lips. I have to act calm so that they won't suspect a thing. One false move and I'm done for. 

20 minutes later, after getting complimented on the food, which I thanked them for quietly, even though it wasn't me who made the pizza - I only put it in the oven - Harry and Gemma were getting tired by the minute. 

A yawn escapes Harry's lips. "I really am tired. I think I should go to bed."

"Same, I feel hammered already. It's been a long day," Gemma says. "Are you tired, Hope?"

She's not on to me, is she? Quick, do something Hope, or she's going to think something's up. So I do the only thing I could think of. I yawn. 

"Yeah, I'm tired too. I think I'll go to bed." I stand up, but quickly think of what'll happen to Gemma and Harry. Where are they going to sleep?

"Wait- where are you guys going to sleep? Surely, you're not going to sleep on the couch," I didn't want them sleeping their butts off on the couch. They'd see me leave the house, and I didn't want that happening, because we all know they're going to stop me. 

"We thought we'd sleep on the couch, if that was alright," Harry says. He was really sweet. But no Harold, there's no sleeping on the couch.

"No, no, you guys are sleeping in the guest room. There's two beds in there, so you should be fine."

"Hope, seriously, it's alright," Gemma says.

"Gemma, please, you guys have stayed with me all night and took time out of your day to do this, just let me repay you with comfy beds to sleep in," I explain. Come on, Gemma, just say yes. I've got places to go to.

"Fine, we'll go sleep," she yawns again, "in the guest room."

"Goodnight Hope," Harry waves. He puts his hand on his sister's lower back, and they both disappear from my sight.

I go up the stairs to my bedroom, and close the door. I change into different clothes - black to be exact. I couldn't find my black jacket, so I just took one of Zayn's black hoodies. I hope he doesn't mind. As I pulled it over my head, I was soon engulfed by his smell. I close my eyes and inhale his scent. They should really make a fragrance of his scent. It's so heavenly, who wouldn't want to go out of their home smelling like Zayn? Focus Hope, you're losing time. I pull my hair into a poiny tail, not even caring about applying some lipgloss on. I don't even use make up, why the heck am I thinking about lip gloss?

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