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A/N:  updating daily recently!!!! i wanted to thank you all before the chapter started for all the votes, comments & reads. your continuous support motivates me so much to keep me doing what i love to do, which is to write, so thank you so damn much. i love you all & i hope you're all having a great day! or goodnight. lol. :)

enjoy the chapter! 



Serendipity; meaning good luck, or good fortune. 

I have been reunited with my family after so many long months. I've learned not to take anything for granted because you never know what might happen. I never thought that I'd be away from my parents for such a long time, but it happened, and I'm so thankful that I got to see them again. I have longed for my mom's smell. I always had her smell in my mind, wondering that if she was with me at times -when they were in Italy- what she could have done to calm me down. I remember the day when there was a thunderstorm outside, and it was my first night at Zayn's house. I always wished for my mom to suddenly appear and tell me that everything would be fine, but my wish never came true. I tried to calm myself down and it didn't work. 

Now, I had my mom to calm me down. She was here, with me again. Just like old times.

"You've got a nice house," Niall complimented me.

"Thank you," I said, smiling at him.

We were all now at our old house. The house that my siblings and I were raised in. The house where I played with my toys at. The house where I told my mom and dad that I wanted to sleep with them because my brothers were stupid enough to show me a scary movie at the age of nine. Daniel was ecstatic, he wasn't scared of what we were watching. Macit was the one who came up with the idea at first. He wanted us to experience what it was like to watch a horror movie, and I was reluctant to it, because I knew that it would keep me up at night. Mira was seven, and was invited to a birthday party, so mom was with her. Dad was in the house with us three, but he was on the phone with a man from work. He was busy with papers and typing away on his laptop, that he hadn't realized that Macit was getting a movie out for us to watch. 

I was brought back to reality when Zayn touched my arm. "You alright, babe?"

"Just fine," I told him while smiling. He smiled back.

"You zoned out for a little. Your mom said she's happy that you cleaned the house before they came," he told me, staring proudly at me.

"Thank you for sticking around and helping me yesterday," I told him, thanking him genuinely. If it wasn't for Zayn, I wouldn't have been able to finish cleaning the whole house by myself.

"It was no biggie, really. Anything for you," he told me truthfully. I stared into his eyes. I could see the care and love in his eyes. I don't know how, but I did.

I was smiling so much, my cheeks started hurting.

"Well, how long have you two known each other for?" my father asked, as we were all sat down in the living room.

Harry and Niall were now looking at us, as well as my siblings who were all wiggling their eyebrows at me. My mom stared at us both before Zayn spoke.

"Eight months today, but we've been dating for six months sir, ma'am," he told them.

I looked at him, tryingt to calm his nerves. He was nervous about meeting my parents, and he told me way before we found Macit and Daniel. I told him it would be fine, that they'd love him and support our relationship, but he still worried. Now that the day has come, he was nervous all over again. This time, much more. 

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