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I'm falling for him. Hard.

No, you're not, you're only happy he's letting you stay. You're only feeling this way because he's comforting you, he's helping you. He's by your side when no one else is. That's why.

No, that's not why.  You like him, a lot. You may have known him for only a short period of time, but you feel like you've known him for much longer. You feel safe. 

You fell for him, hard.

The voices inside my head keep speaking. Alright, I'll admit, I am falling for Zayn. I can't help it. His smile, his laugh, his jokes, and just - everything about him is so beautiful, I couldn't stop myself. He always listens to what I have to say, cares for me, and let's not forget that he is the one who saved me and is allowing me to stay with him for some time. Other than that, he's my best friend. Yes, Zayn is my best friend. I haven't made any human contact for two months, except for Zayn, and that's fine with me. I felt safe with Zayn, and that's all that matters.

I have tried convincing myself that nothing would happen if I went with Zayn and stuck by him, never leaving his side when he's working. I tried and tried, but I couldn't allow myself to do it. I don't know if Petro is out there, waiting for my brothers and I to appear from our hiding spots, so that he could pierce his claws into our flesh, finishing us off, once and for all. There's always this bad feeling inside, like something might happen if I do go out. Truth is, that's fear. The fear that has build up inside me, has gradually increased every single minute of every single day, and I fear that one day, it'll eat me alive and I won't be able to get out of its madness. I have pretty good excuses to why I shouldn't go out. For example, let's say I decided to go out with Zayn. We go to his work place, everything's fine, then his boss tells him to grab something from the back. What would happen to me? I'd be left alone, probably with a few people eating their food on the table, minding their own business. What if Petro had put men on the look out? What if they see me? What if they take me? What if I scream too late and Zayn won't be able to save me again? What if? What if? What if?

It's always what if. That's the most known problem known to man. We always want to do something, only to be stopped by ourselves, always asking 'what if?'. Letting ourselves down, because we don't know what'll happen when we do something. As humans, we're scared of the uknown. Whatever is out there that we still haven't figured out yet, we're scared of. We want to be prepared at all times, so that if anything happens, hopefully not, we'd be able to save ourselves. Our fear has built up inside, and it's too late to get rid of it, because it has magnified, like someone injected a million fear cells into our bodies. And I guess that's why I don't go out of the house; I'm afraid of what'll happen. I don't want to be taken, I want to stay with Zayn. I want to be safe. I want my brothers to be safe. I want my family to be safe. I want to go back to when I was 5 and everything was perfectly fine. 


I keep tossing and turning in bed. It's safe to say that I have talked to myself for 20 minutes, before stopping to listen to any sound coming from downstairs. Zayn must be asleep. What to do, what to do?Well, I certainly can't wake up Zayn, that'll be rude of me. I peel the blanket off of me, feeling extremely hot all of a sudden. Did Zayn turn the heating on? Why am I sweating then?

I get up from the bed, but my vision is blurry all of a sudden. What's happening to me?

I walk with all the energy I have left, and my legs are going to give out on me any second. I'm this close to the doorknob, but the room starts spinning, and I lose my balance.

The last thing I see is complete, utter darkness.



I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside, the sun shining through the glass window. I feel at peace. I yawn, stretching my arms in the process. I look at my watch, checking the time. 12:20 PM. Woah, I slept in. Since it's a Saturday, I wasn't freaking out about going to work -I had the day off. 

I was thinking about taking Hope out somewhere. I don't know how I'll convince her to go out, since she's very presistent about staying inside. She hasn't gone out of the house for the two months she's been here. I know she's scared out of her mind, but if she stays inside the whole time, what's going to happen? Nothing. She won't find her brothers, she won't know if that son of a nutcracker is out there looking for them, and she won't see her family anymore. If she doesn't face her fears, how will she be at peace?

I don't know the full story, only bits and peaces of what she told me. I knew she had more to say the very first day she came here, but it's like she bit her tongue so she wouldn't tell me. Was she scared I'll go and tell someone? I'd never do that to her... Not her, no. I'd rather get a bullet for her than tell someone anything she's told me. 

That reminds me, where is Hope? She's not the kind to sleep in, she always wakes up early in the morning. I call for her, "Hope."


"Hope," I say again, voice louder. May be she didn't hear me the first time.

Silence engulfs me once again.

I start to panic. "Hope, if this is some kind of sick joke, stop it. Please."

Nothing. No sound at all.

"Hope?" I turn the doorknob, but the door doesn't fully open. A body is laying on the floor, motionless.

I open the door carefully, stepping in. My eyes go wide.

Motionless and lifeless on the floor, my Hope lays. 






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