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A/N: hello everyone. i hope you're all having a good day. a MASSIVE thank you for all of your support, for commenting, voting and reading my story. it really means a lot to me, you have no idea how much i'm grateful and thankful for this, so thank you once again. i love you all.

i changed the cover for my new story, Jump, and it would mean a lot to me if you'd comment on this saying if you liked it or not. I can't upload the photos for some reason, so I'm just going to do it later. 

thank you. enjoy the chapter :)



"We're happy for you guys," Ashton says.

"It must've been really hard," Luke says.

"It was," Daniel said. "I'm glad I got see my family again."

"I'm glad everything is back to normal," I say, sighing in relief.

"Well, now that you guys have closed the case, and that bad man is gone, what's going to happen next?" Michael asked.

"Matt called me and told me that Petro's family is upset about his death, but they've been informed that the jewels their family has been wanting for ages wasn't even theirs, and they've decided that they're going to stop this once and for all, so good news," Macit said, smiling.

"That's good. No more action, right?" Liam asked.

"No more action. This action movie has come to an end," Daniel said, a wide smile plastered on his face.


"Die! Die! Die!" Louis yelled at the screen.

"No, don't die, don't die!" Niall yelled back.

They were all currently playing some video game, that I didn't know the name of, and we were all gathered up in my house. Let's just say, it was a very big friends and family gathering. The boys' parents all came, with their siblings and all, and everyone was having a good time. Everyone got along really fast and well. My parents got to meet the friends that I've made the past few months, as well as their families, and my parents loved them all. It was nice, you know, having my normal life back. It was all good. I was happy. That was always everything that I ever wanted growing up as a kid.

The parents were all in the living room, while the kids, that's us, were all upstairs. I haven't gotten to speak to Zayn yet, although he was in my house. Every time I come near him, he comes up with an excuse and leaves before I even say a thing, and it's been bugging me all night. Did I say something wrong? Did I do something to him? What happened? Why is he acting so weird?

I sit down on the couch, looking at everyone that was engaged in a conversation. I was the only one who was sitting down, not talking to anyone. No one even noticed, but that didn't really matter. I needed some time to think and I wanted to enjoy being alone for a couple of minutes.

I see Zayn from the corner of my eye, and I instantly get up from my seat. He hasn't seen me yet, since he was talking to Liam, which was good, because I needed him to talk to me, and not run away.

Liam saw me, but kept talking to Zayn. Thank you, Liam. God bless you.

I took a deep breath and then tapped his shoulder. He turned around, and I saw Liam leaving, trying to give us some space.

"Hope, hi," he said, giving me a small, nervous smile.

"Hi," I say a bit harshly. I didn't mean to have it come out that way, but he was pissing me off. Every time I come near him, he tries to leave. He hasn't said a word to me, until now. Nervousness was clearly evident on his face. Why was he nervous? What was going to happen? What happened?

"Are you mad at me?" he asked me softly.

"No, I mean, yes, kind of, I don't know," I tell him truthfully. "I just, you've been ignoring me all night, and I want to know why."

He took my hand in his, enterlacing our fingers. "Come with me."

"Where are we going?" I asked him, following his lead. We made it all the way outside, in front of his car. He held both my hands and put them on his chest. I stared at him, waiting for him to say something.

"Hope, what have you done to me?" was what he said.

I looked at him, confused. What did I do to him?

"I'll tell you what you did to me," he said as he took one of my hands and placed it on his chest, where his heart was. It was beating rapidly, and I looked up at him again.

"You make my heart beat so fast," he began, "You drive me crazy with just one look. You make me happy, and tell me that you love me. You stole my heart with just one look. That night, when I saved you, you held on to me like I was the only thing that mattered to you. You looked at me with those big brown eyes, and I just... I fell in love."

I was at awe at his words. He was making my heart skip a beat. The butterflies in my stomach were doing somersaults as he got down on one knee.

"Oh my God," I told him, a tear streaming down my face.

"Hope, I've never been more sure about a girl before. You've turned my life upside down, and you never fail to make me love you even more. Every day that passes, I find myself falling for you much more than the other day. I want you to be the one that witnesses the last breath I take," he stops to look at me and smile.

"Don't cry, baby," he tells me, before continuing. I smile at him, eyes glossy.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be the mother of my children. I want to wake up every day with you by my side. I want you, Hope Evergreen, forever and always," he tells me softly with that raspy voice of his.

"Hope, will you marry me?" he says, a sparkle in his eye. 

I take a deep breath, my hands shaking. "Yes! Oh my God, yes! A million times yes!" I said as Zayn got up. I hugged him and he started twirling me around in the air. 

"Oh, my baby," he said, stroking my hair as I cried tears of joy. He stepped away and cupped my face in his hands, giving me a quick, passionate kiss on the lips.

"Zayn, this is really happening, isn't it?" I tell him, hands on his chest.

He nods, smiling wide. "It is."

He takes my hand and puts the ring on for me. I examine it, taking a good look at it. It was so beautiful, and Zayn was so beautiful, and everything is just so beautiful. I was very happy. Zayn looks at me as he kisses my hand. I blush at him. 

"You're blushing," he told me, poking my cheek.

"It's a habit now, yeah? Whenever I blush, you poke my cheek," I told him, smiling wide.


I go to hug him again, and after that I hear a bunch of happy shouts from the blacony. I step away from Zayn to look up at them, but still holding onto his waist, and having him have his arm around me protecitvely.

"Did she say yes?!" Mira and Gemma shouted.

"I did!" 

"She did!"

Zayn and I said at the same time, chuckling afterwards. I showed them my hand that had the ring on it and let's just say the girls started squealing, as well as Zayn's mother, my mother and everyone else's mothers.

The boys started shouting, "Yes! Get it Zayn! Congratulations! Wohooo!"

The parents started clapping and said, "Congratulations, kids."

I looked at Zayn the same time he looked at me and said, "I love you," at the same time as well.






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