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you know what they say about the number 13. it's not so happy go lucky for some people, but it is for others. anyways, what was I saying?

Oh yeah, the story. Alright so first of all I would like to thank you guys for 51 reads. I'm glad more people are starting to read my story. I never thought I'd get 1 read, and I got 51. It's not much or basically anything compared to the other stories out there, since there are lots of stories that are perfect, but it's my first ever story so please bear with me since I'm quite new to this... :) 

Thank you. 

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"Macit!" I yell excitedly. I attack my older brother with a huge hug. I've missed him so much, words cannot describe the amount of happiness that I'm experiencing right now. 

"Hope," he whispers. We pull away from the hug, looking at each other before breaking into laughs, and my eyes water. Macit pulls me in for another hug and something wet drops on my cheek. I look up to my brother, seeing that his eyes were glossy.

"Don't cry, we're together now," I say.

He smiles at me, wiping his tears. "You have no idea how much I've been looking for you. I've searched almost everywhere. If I didn't bump into you by mistake, I would've gone to another area. You're okay right? Everything's fine with you? Your health is okay right? Who are you staying with? Hope, I really am so-" I cut him off before he speaks.

"Macit, stop blabbering. I'm completely fine. How are you?" I ask him. 

"I'm fine too, could be better," he looks down and sighs. I sigh too. 

"You know everything will be over once we find Daniel. I don't know where the hell he is, but I sure hope he's fine," I say. If I found Macit, I can find Daniel, and just like Zayn said, everything takes time. It's not like Daniel is going to be running towards us right now, and everything will just be cream and cheese. Wait. Zayn.

I turn around, facing Zayn who was looking at me and my brother intently, with a smile on his face. He was happy and that made me happy. He helped me find my brother and even though Macit and I bumped into each other, he didn't give up at all to help me find him, and we did. We spent days and weeks searching in lots of places and I am really glad he was with me during all of it. If he didn't convince me to go out of the house, Macit would be long gone, searching in a new area, where I wasn't in.

"Zayn, I would like you to meet someone. Same goes for you Macit," I say standing in between them.

Macit looks at me, a tiny smile curling on his lips. "Macit, this is Zayn, my boyfriend. Zayn, this is Macit, my older brother."

I can feel Zayn smiling when I said the word boyfriend. Even though it's been 6 months of us knowing each other, it still feels like only yesterday when we met. It's so surreal. Macit and Zayn shake hands, both smiling at each other.

"So I'm guessing you helped her find a place to stay in?" Macit asks. Zayn nods at him.

"I actually saw her out at night," he looked at me, as if asking me for permission to keep going, and I nod, "She was being harassed by some man, and I saved her from it. She's been living with me for 6 months now." 

After that, he looks at me and smiles. I return the favor.

"Well I want to thank you for saving her, Zayn. You're a good person, and I appreciate you keeping my sister safe," Macit says. 

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