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Everything that happened next was all a blur. I could hear shouts all around me. I looked back at Petro and saw that he was crouched to the ground, holding his arm. He was shot. He was shot. He was in pain. 

I looked at the man next to me, and saw him put his gun away. My eyes grew wide. "You shot him?"

He nodded, as all of Petro's men just stood there, in shock. They worked for him, and they were cowards. No matter how many people they have killed, no matter how many people they have kidnapped and scared, they were cowards. Cowards that didn't know what they were doing. I can tell that they're not enjoying whatever they were doing. I know for a fact that there was a solid reason for each and every one of them to be here, working for Petro. They want the money he has, and what better way to get than doing whatever he tells you to do? It sounds sick, but to them, it sounds like a million bucks.

I can tell that the man next to me was of higher place in Petro's men just by looking at his uniform. He was taller than all the other men, and even had a badge that was similar to the man next to Macit. I think they're the upper class workers, for Petro, that is. I'm still in shock as of why he shot him. Doesn't he work for Petro? Why is he doing this? Is he helping us? Questions started flooding into my mind, but I couldn't find an answer to any of them.

"Yes, I did," he finally speaks.

"But why?" Macit asks this time.

Just as he was going to answer, a growl came from Petro. "Seni piç!" 

[Translation: "You bastard!"]

The man next to me got his gun out again and ordered for the men next to Petro to move out of the way. They obeyed.

"Ben?" he told him. 

[Translation: "Me?"]

With that being said, he shot him again, this time, straight in his heart. Petro's eyes rolled back, and his body fell limp to the ground. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. He killed him. Just like that. Petro was dead.

He was dead. 

What now?

"You guys," the man pointed at me and Macit, "You're coming with me."

I gulped. Where are we going? What's going to happen to us? Macit and I followed him and the other man into a black van, as Petro's men went into other cars, going the other way.

As the car started, the man who shot Petro spoke. "Game over."


"Are we there yet?" Luke complained for the hundredth time. 

"Two minutes," I tell him. Although I was answering him, my mind was elsewhere. It was thinking of Hope. Is she okay? Did anything happen to her? Where could she be now? Are we going to the right place? All of these questions were going through my mind at a rapid pace that my head started pounding.

"Turn right," Daniel said as we entered a deserted forest. There were fewer cars on the path that we took, so I'm guessing that is the reason why this forest is pretty much deserted. I just hope we get there on time, and that nothing bad happened to Hope and Macit. After driving for eight minutes into the forest, Daniel pointed to something in the distance.

"There," he said. 

"God, that looks scary, man," Michael said. 

"No way Mikey, I thought it was peaceful," Calum said sarcastically.

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