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A/N: First and foremost, I apologize for not updating as I said I would. It's just that it's summer and me thinking that I'd get the chance to stay at home and write all day was totally wrong. I've been going out with my family every day and I'm so busy that I come home very tired with droopy eyes. I don't want to write a chapter with me not knowing what I'm typing, so might as well write something that actually makes sense and something that leaves a meaning. Second of all, I'll update whenever I can, I promise you that. Third of all, I have a project that I need to work on for school, and I'm supposed to be done by September, like almost done, and I'm not even close, so I should probably start working on it. Fourthly? or fourth of all, I don't even know, I'm still experiencing post concert depression. It's not leaving any time soon. Lastly, I love you guys and I'm very happy that you read my story, as creepy as that may sound. It just amazes me that there are people out there who do take the time and effort to actually read and vote for my story, so I would like to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and for motivating me continiously to do what I love to do - write. I wish you all a great day, evening or night, and you can read now. This was long. I'm sorry. Thank you.

Go on. 



The whole car ride with two, strange, bulky, and insanely tall men was spent with constant staring, silence, and Macit squeezing my hand to calm me down and him trying to tell me that everything would be fine. I don't know if everything would be fine, though. I'm still in shock...

One of these men, who could either kill us or help us, killed  Petro. He straight up shot him like it was the easiest thing to do in the world. My family and I have spent years trying to figure out a way to get rid of him, and we have failed miserably because every time we think we have escaped from him, he's one step ahead of us. He was always hot on our tails. All he wanted was the location of the supposed jewels, but even I didn't know where those were. Even though that may be the only thing he wanted, his anger built up inside him each time he caught us empty handed. He wanted to kill us because although we may not know where the jewels were, he liked seeing us getting tortured. Pain was something he truly enjoyed. Not to himself obviously, but to others - to him pain was like taking candy from a baby. He was ruthless, heartless, any word you can think of that would describe a cold hearted person as him would work. He had no heart. It was as if his heart was replaced with a machine. He had no mercy. I know saying this is bad, but I'm glad he's dead. He has brought nothing but pain to my family. To this day, I'm paranoid. Thanks to him, I can never see life the way I used to as a kid. He took away my childhood. He didn't let me and my family know what peace felt like anymore. 

My breath hitched in my throat when the car pulled to a stop. Macit looked at me and nodded his head, signaling me to get out of the car, as the men were. I let out the breath I was holding, taking a look at my surroundings. We were at a mansion, that was for sure. My jaw fell at the size of the building that was in front of me. There was a fountain in the middle, decorated beautifully with a touch of flowers. The house was brand new, anyone could tell, but it had an aura that made it feel like it was old, and warm. I felt safe here, with everything going on in my life at the moment. That was a lie. I felt safe in Zayn's arms. I felt safe in my parents arms, and my siblings arms as well, but it was different with Zayn. I could actually picture a future with him. I would like to have a family with him. I would very much like it. What am I thinking now? This is no time to think about the future, but one cannot help their feelings. Macit and I followed the men inside the mansion. Chandeliers of different colors, sizes and shapes took over the ceiling. The furniture inside was very vintage like, almost old looking. The walls had an off-white color, making the place look warm and much more open. The curtains were light colored, contrasting the furniture and the walls nicely. 

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