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To say that I hate bugs and insects was an understatement. I absolutely, and from the bottom of my heart, hate any kind of insect. It hasn't been 30 minutes of us walking in the forest, and I was already a source of magnet for all small species. Why do insects like me? Is it my blood they want? They're not vampires, so why are they attracted to me? Can't they go be attracted on someone else? Like Macit, or Zayn? Anyone else within a mile radius? A thousand kilometres away?

"Keep walking, Hope. Flailing your hands around will not make them go away," Macit says as I wave my hand around, trying to get this fly far away from me as possible. I was failing completely.

"That won't stop me, I will wave my hand around 'til I- AAAH!" I get cut off when a fly hits my cheek. "Get it off, get it off, get it off!"

I shut my eyes close, afraid of looking at anything at all. I feel a gentle hand caress my cheek, then Zayn's voice comes out so soothingly I think I"m going to be swoon off my feet any moment now.

"Open your eyes, love, they're gone," Zayn says in a hush whisper.

Still scared to open my eyes, I crack one open, leaving one tightly closed. "Is it really gone?"

A low chuckle escapes his lips. "Yes."

I open the other eye, and a sigh of relief escapes my lips. "Thank God."

Zayn soon takes my hand in his and our fingers interlace. We continue walking for another 15 minutes and I get really bored, so I start talking.

"I'm bored," I say.

"You don't say," Macit replies.

"I'm not kidding, can we please do something?"

"Do what in the middle of the forest?" Zayn asks, brows furrowed.

"Play a game? Talk about something?" I list some things we could do.

"We're already talking, aren't we?" Macit sassily says. Who put his knickers in a twist?

"No one," he soon replies.

My eyes widen. I'm going to be toast for the rest of my life if I keep saying my thoughts out loud.

"You won't if you learn some control," he adds. Dammit.

"Alright can we please play a game? Like right now, while talking?" I say, voice souding hopeful. I pout soon after because I know that it's a weakness for both my brother and Zayn. One, Macit never likes not pleasing me because ever since I was younger, he made sure that I got everything that I needed, for I was the first girl in the family, and my dad once joked that I was a 'princess' who came from a long, lost island, and he kind of took that to the extremes. Second, Zayn completely loses it when I pout. A minute he's all tough, and the second he sees me pout, he's like a baby who got his lollipop stolen by some mean stranger. Zayn's face was full of concern, and Macit is about to crack. "It won't hurt, would it?" Zayn asks. After thinking about it for another minute, Macit finally gives up. "Fine." Bingo.

"So, 20 questions?" I suggest.

"Sure, you go first," Zayn says, looking at Macit, who simply nods.

"Okay, this is going to be a little different," I say, "Since we all know each other, and we know the basic stuff, can we ask about like, different things?"

They nod, seeming to like the idea. Nice.

"What do you think about life?" Was that too serious?

"I think life is beautiful, no matter what," Zayn says. Oh Zayn, I knew that was going to be your answer.

"Why do you think that?" I ask him, curious to know his answer.

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