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THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! This is my first ever story - I feel like I'm saying this a lot - but seriously, I never thought that so many people would read it, so thank you so much. Writing is a huge passion of mine, and you only motivate me & remind me to keep doing what I love to do, and that is to write, so thank you so DAMN much. 

I am so grateful for all the love & support. I'm speechless... Like, I can't even process this. I need to collect myself. Happy tears. :') xxx

This is chapter 38... THE WEDDING DAY. I think I'm updating chapter 39 & 40 today as well if I have time because I am a night owl and won't be sleeping until it's 5 AM - don't even ask - my sleeping schedule is messed up. :))))

I'm crying. TWO. MORE. CHAPTERS.

Enjoy the chapter.

Go on.  :)

Stop reading this.  :)))

Seriously go. :)))))))




BANG. That was the first thing I heard, before groaning into my pillow. "Hope! Wake up!"

"No! Give me five more minutes!" I yell to whoever was behind the door.

"Hope, it's your wedding day! Wake. The. Hell. Up!" Mira's voiced bellowed from outside.

I instantly open my eyes, and get up. I open the door, facing Mira with a horrified expression. I had been waiting for this day to come for three weeks, being so excited. I was excited right now as well, don't get me wrong, but I was scared and nervous as well. What if I fall walking down the aisle? What if Zayn changes his mind? What if we're not ready? What if my make up goes bad? What if a bird poops on me?

"Earth to Hope!" Mira moved her hand in front of my face. "You okay, sis? You look pale."

"I'm nervous, that's all," I tell her, smiling nervously.

"Are you ready for this?" she asks me.

"Yes I am, I'm just scared about what may happen, like what if I fall walking down the aisle? What if a bird poops on my dress - even worse, my hair?" I tell her, stomach hurting from getting nervous so much.

"Alright, sit down, mom will be right up, as well as all the other moms and Gemma," she tells me, helping me sit down on my bed. "We don't want you fainting on your wedding day, do we?" 

I smile at her as she chuckles. "No, we don't."

Two minutes later, I was bombarded with the boys's mothers, my mother, and Gemma who had the dress ready for me to wear. My mother got my make up out, while Gemma rummaged through my drawers to get the curling iron out. The other ladies helped with choosing which shades of make up I should have, of course, asking me what I liked, which was simple, natural looking make up. I didn't like wearing make up, so having a bit of it would be just fine.

"But it's your wedding day, you're supposed to look smoking," Gemma pouts. 

"I know, but I don't like make up," I shrug. 

"Fine, I'll make you look smoking with a little bit of make up. Zayn wouldn't be able to peel his eyes off you, just you wait and see," she tells me, getting ready to apply foundation on my face.

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