School Time(6)

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Next Day

Serinity POV

"Serinity wake up" I woke up to Shawn screaming. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. I took a 15 minute shower then put on my pink bra set. Then I put on black shorts, a pink tank top, a black vest, and some black ones. I went down stairs and my brother was in the kitchen eating cereal. He was wearing black jeans, a red and black Miami Heat shirt, and some black jordan flight 23. I grabbed an apple and told Shawn bye then went to my blue 2011 Mustang GT Grabber that Shawn bought me last week and then I headed to school.

When I got to the school I parked and got out the car. Then someone yelled my name I turned around and saw Trevor. He ran up to me and started talking.

"What is your schedule?" He asked. I gave him my schedule and he looked over it.

"We have all classes together except two" To be honest I was happy we had classes together, but I also didn't want classes with him because I wanted to get to know other people. We walked in the school hand-in-hand. Bitches kept staring at me and rolling their eyes. Thirsty niggas kept winking at me. We went to our lockers then went to class. We sat by each other then the bell rung and students came running in class.

"Nice to meet you class I'm Mr.Davis and I'll be your English teacher for the year, get out paper and a pencil and read over Lesson 7 in your Practice/Review book." I started doing my work then a dude tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and he gave me a note with his name and number on it. Wow, like really I don't even know the dude and he already giving me his number.

Lunch Time

I just found a table and me and Trevor sat there since I really didn't know anyone at this school. Then, someone called Trevor and he told me he'll be back. Then, some girls came and stood infront of me. There were three of them. One was short, chubby, and kinda pretty, the other was skinny, tall, and ugly, and the last one was a little short, skinny, and she looked pretty descent.

"Why are you at our table" The descent one said. I'm guessing she's the leader of the group.

"Having lunch got a problem with that" I said standing up.

"Yes, bitch--" Before she could finish I punched her in the nose making her fall to the floor.

"Audri" One of the other girls said helping her up.

"Are you fucking crazy"

"Nah bitch I'm syco"

"Who you think you calling a bitch--"

"Audri leave before she beat your ass" Trevor said coming over.

"I wish a bitch would" I reached over to slap her, but Trevor picked me up and sat me down at another table. Then, he pulled the girl Audri aside and started talking to her. It's my first day at school and a bitch already tryna fight me over some stupid shit.

Trevor POV

"It ain't my fault the bitch hit me first, next time--"

"Shut the fuck up and listen, you always wanna fight somebody when they around me, I mean you fighting over a damn table and you ain't even my girl." I said. "Now we're done cause I'm tryna get back with her and you can't be getting in the way of that, we are done and you gotta understand that and let me be with her" With that I walked back over to Serinity.

"You ok?" I asked even though I know she's heated.

"No, you know damn well I'm mad, why she tryna start shit on the first day anyway"

"That's not important right now, just calm down cause trust me she ain't worth it" Yes, I went with Audri before, but we broke up for a reason I was gonna go back with her, but then Serinity came here and it reminded me of our relationship and I wanted to go back out with her and that's what I'm tryna do now.

Serinity POV

The rest of the day was ok after that. I even met this girl in my science class. Her names Lauren, she's a pretty chill girl. She's short, nice, pretty, and fun to hangout with. If your wondering no Loli, but she said she'll be moving soon. I hope soon enough.

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