Chapter 39

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Shawn POV
Next Day

I decided I was gonna wait another day before I called Vanessa. I actually wasn't gonna call her at all, I wasn't even about to try go back with her but then I thought about it and now I'm at her house debating on whether I should go in. Then I saw the door open and she came out. I guess I have to talk to her for sure now. She already walked to the car before I even got out.

"Hey" she said once I got out.


"I'm sorry" she said looking me directly in the eye. She's never done that before usually when she apologize she would look down or something.

"I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to"

"I know, I was gonna go by her house later and apologize"

"You really think she's gonna open the door"

"No but she might if you were there"

"But what if I ain't came today how were you gonna get her to open the door"

"I would of just waited til you come"

"What if I never came"


"Vanessa I'm being serious, you have put everyone through a bunch of shit and you're always the one to cause trouble and every time you do something you expect me to just come to your house apologize and we go back together, what if I didn't"

"But you're always gonna come back" when she said that it made me laugh.

"Really, Vanessa you can't just keep messing with a person's feelings and think they'll just be fine and come back right away that's not how it works"

"But everyone always does"

"That's exactly how you lost your best friend"

"I didn't lose her"

"Oh really, just because she forgave you don't mean y'all are like y'all were before"


"Look it's not my business to get between y'all I just came here to get some things off my chest" I said about to get in my car, but she came and hugged me. I looked at her and seen her tears that were now on my shirt. I've never seen her like that or even cry, she always just leaves and make it seem like she doesn't care because she know I was gonna go back to her. In my mind I was thinking about pushing her off of me and leaving but I couldn't do that, I wasn't that person. I ended up hugging her back. I guess I can't leave her.


Jessica is now mad at me. She hasn't talked to me much at all. Ik y'all wondering what did I do. Idek myself but I do know it had to do with me not defending her when Shawn did. To me it makes no sense for her to be mad at me but I can't do anything so she would talk to me. Ik I'm not the only one who doesn't see anything I did wrong.

"Jess" I said calling her once again for the millionth time with no answer. I got tired of her not answering so I picked her up.

"Wtf bruh Ty put me down"

"Nahh not until you talk to me" I said putting her over my shoulder.

"Dude move" she said hitting my back. Tf she thought her little hits don't hurt me.

"Nahh you gotta talk to me" I said slapping her ass.

"Nigga put me down" she whined.

"Ight" I said slamming her on the bed and pinning her down so I was now on top of her.

"Moveeeee" she said making me laugh.

"Nahh you gotta talk to me"

"Nigga get your stink breath out my face" she said rolling her eyes.

"Baby for real talk to me" I said kissing her neck.

"Ty move" she said letting out a moan. I kissed down to her breast.

"Dude Aaleece is sleep"

"Then start talking or imma have you moaning your choice" I said.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry I just act crazy sometimes you know you have to put me in my place" she said laughing making me laugh too.

"Nahh I should of defended you but I didn't think about it like that, I didn't think you would be mad at me for it"

"Aw" she said kissing me. Then it turned into a intimate kiss. My hands roamed her body as my tongue explored her mouth.

"Ty stop I told you Aaleece is sleeping" she said pushing me off her. Ughhhh every freaking time.


I was now at the mall getting some stuff for school. Ugh I hate that I have to go back but at least imma be a senior imma slay this year frl lol. I was in the food court now I already got my clothes and shoes imma be back but I just got a lil something for right now. This is actually a first that I came to the mall by myself but I didn't mind. I was on my phone and eating my fries from chick-fil-a when this random dude just came and sat at the table.

"May I help you" I said looking at him like something was wrong. He smirked and just stared into my eyes

"Tf you want man " I said

"Aye chill out I just wanted to know ya name shawty"

"Kc now move nigga"I mugged him.

He laughs " I'm Kai, nice to meet you kc " he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I looked at his hand then back up to him.

"No you probably jacked off with that hand" I said with all seriousness.

"Lol ight, I see well nice meeting you Kc hope I can see you again"

"I'm good" I said then he got up and walked to his friends. I ain't gonna lie he's cute but ain't no one better than my baby, but he can be my friend maybe, but he seem like he just wanna fuck.

Unknown POV

Ha they thought they got rid of me well they were sadly mistaken. Nigga tried to kill me well now they better watch their backs.



I said it would be one more chapter but I decided to end it early so this the last chapter. It will be a sequel, so stay tuned.

Still don't know if Serinity keeping the baby👀....

Shawn and Vanessa😑 he ain't leaving her.

Ty and Jessica😍😍 they are goals.

Who is this new guy trying to talk to KC??👀

Will Jay like him??

But KC ain't letting him get in between her and her man💘

Who could this unknown person be??

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