1. Faramir X Reader

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Faramir x Reader

Summary : When Denethor breaks Faramir's heart, the latter tries to prove himself again by deciding to go and retake Osgiliath, even if that meant pure death, but fortunately, he is stopped by Y/N, his best friend who will soon become more.

Words : 1820.

A/N : Do not forget that English is not my first language and that Y/N=your name! If you liked the imagine, it would mean a lot if you commented and voted. And please don't judge in case it is not that good, but it is my first imagine. Xoxo



As I walked around the Minas Tirith Tower Hall, I saw Faramir talking to his father. It's been a while since we last saw each other, but ever since he returned, Faramir has been ignoring me completely. It surprised me because him, Boromir and I used to be very good friends. When I found out that Boromir had died, I was completely broken and I promised myself that I was going to try my best to make sure that Faramir was not going to have the same fate.

I was currently hiding somewhere in the hall, so nobody could see me. Denethor hated me, although I never knew why, but honestly, I have never actually cared enough to ask. What I did care about was Faramir. Denethor had always preferred Boromir instead of him.

"I do not think we should so lightly abandon the outer defenses... defenses that your brother long held intact." Denethor trailed off, avoiding his son's eyes.

"What would you have me do?" Faramir asked silently, with his hands behind his back.

"I will not yield the River and Pelennor unfought. Osgiliath must be retaken!" the other one exclaimed, making me widen my eyes in horror. Was he completely out of his mind? Osgiliath was overrun.

"My lord, Osgiliath is overrun..." Faramir spoke politely, as if he had read my mind.

"Much must be risked in war. Is there a captain here who still has the courage to do his lord's will?"

Faramir froze for a second as a few tears started filling his beautiful eyes.
"You wish now that our places had been exchanged... That I had died and Boromir had lived..." he stated quietly, his voice cracking. I felt my heart breaking at the sight of him.

I looked at Denethor and saw him hesitating for a moment, but oh, was I wrong!
"Yes, I wish that!" Denethor said coldly and as soon as those words left his mouth, I gasped quietly, placing my hand over my mouth. I stared at Faramir and I had to admit that I have never seen him looking so vulnerable before. That moment I just wished I could have jumped into his arms and tell him how worthy and amazing he was.

"Since you are robbed of Boromir... I will do what I can in his stead." he replied, and I started worrying even more. That was pure death!

He can't just risk his life just because his father is crazy and blind, now can he?

Faramir bowed low to Denethor , turned to leave, but then stoped and turned back...
"If I should return... think better of me, father."

"That will depend on the manner of your return!" Denethor finished coldly, before continuing with his meal. As soon as Faramir left, I got the courage to finally give Denethor a piece of my mind.

"Are you completely crazy?" I snapped, making him look up surprised.

"Excuse me?"

"No, you're not excused! How can you prefer one of your sons over the other one? How can you tell Faramir that you wished it was him who should have died instead of Boromir so easily? How can you not see how much your son tries to make you feel proud of him and that he's actually just as good as Boromir or maybe even better?" I questioned, my voice raising with each word.

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