11. Dean O'Gorman X Reader (Part 1)

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Dean O'Gorman X Reader (Part 1)

Summary : Y/N is Aidan's sister and Dean is Aidan's best friend. Y/N likes Dean, but she tries to get rid of those feelings by avoiding him. What happenes when, one day, Dean confronts her?

Words : 1140.


Narrator's POV

It was an ordinary day of summer and Y/N was in the kitchen, drinking some water, while staring outside the window.

Normally, she would have gone out with her friends, but she was having a horrible migraine at the moment.

Sighing, she decided to take a pill, hoping it would ease the pain. 

"Hey, love! Are you feeling any better?"

She almost choked on her water when she heard her brother's voice all of a sudden. Yes... Aidan Turner was her brother.

Coming closer to her, Aidan started patting her back, hoping she would stop coughing. "I'm so sorry! Didn't mean to startle you!"

The girl calmed down and smiled softly. "It's ok, Aid! I know you didn't."

She lowered her head a little, groaning and rubbing her temples. "Ughhh! I feel like my head is going to explode!"

"That's what you get from listening to music all night long..." Aidan smirked.

"Heey! Don't you dare blame the music! Music is life!"

Aidan shook his head and laughed. "Whatever you say..."

"Anyway, what's the matter? Did you need anything?" the girl asked kindly.

"No... I just wanted to announce you that Dean is coming over today."

As soon as she heard that, her eyes went wide. "What? Again?"

He nodded and the girl huffed in frustration.

Dean (O'Gorman) was one of her brother's best friends. She has liked him ever since she first met him, but she knew he could never feel the same, so she tried to avoid him as much as possible.

Aidan also knew about his sister's feelings towards Dean, so he always tried to bring them together. Unfortunately, he had failed every time, because Y/N would always leave before Dean could even arrive there. Today, however, that was not going to happen again.

"He'll be here by 3PM, by the way." Aidan announce, making her gasp.

"3PM? But it is already 2:55PM! That means he'll be here in about 5 minutes and that is not enough time for me to change and leave!"

Aidan smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. "Then I guess you'll just have to stay here, my dear sister!"

Suddenly, they heard the doorbell, so Aidan went to open the door, while his sister walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

One minute later, Aidan and Dean came in the living room. Dean was surprised to see her, but happy at the same time.

"Hi, Y/N!" he smiled, walking closer to her and leaning to hug her, making her jump in surprise at first. However, she then melted in the hug, which, unfortunately, ended way too soon.

"Didn't expect to see you! You are usually never home. If I had known you'd be here, I would have brought you something..." Dean trailed off, sending her an apologetic look.

'Of course, of course... Always being so nice, aren't you? You little peace of...' she thought.

Dean was not only a good looking guy, but also very smart, nice, funny and sweet, which only made Y/N love him even more.

"Uh, no, it's fine! Don't worry about that!" Y/N smiled.

"Guys, I just remembered that I forgot to buy some popcorn. I'll go to the store to get it! Do you mind if I leave you two alone for a while?" Aidan asked, glancing at both of them.

Y/N looked at him and clenched her jaw, trying her best not to punch him right then and there, while he just smirked.

Dean, on the other hand, smiled and sat on the sofa next to her." Sure, don't worry! We'll be fine!"

"Ok, then! See you!" Aidan winked at his sister and then left the house, leaving her and Dean alone.

They sat there for a while, in an awkward silence, none of them knowing what to say.

Dean was the first one to break the silence. "So...How have you been?"

"I've been good, thanks! And you?" Y/N replied.


The girl nodded and looked at the floor. "Great!"

Suddenly, she got up of the couch, wanting to get away from Dean as soon as possible.

Dean frowned in confusion. "Where are you going?"

"Um... I need to go toooo... to clean my room." the girl lied.

"Oh... I could help you if you -"

"NO!! I mean umm... You don't have to. You're a guest so..."

"So what?" he crossed his arms.

"Look, Dean... That's very nice of you, but I... I really need to go!"

She turned around and got ready to run, but Dean caught her by the wrist, speaking lowly and quietly. "Why do you always do this? "

Y/N looked at him and narrowed her eyes in confusion. "Do what? Clean up my room?"

"No! You always leave whenever I'm here... Why? What could I have possibly done to you that you avoid me so much?"

The girl looked away from him, her heart beat increasing. "I'm...I'm not avoiding you..."

"Oh, really? Then seat back here!" Dean pressed.

"I... I cannot! Sorry, but I really need to clean my room!"

"Then let me help you, so you'll finish faster!" he offered.

"God, damn it, Dean! Why can't you just leave me alone? How many times do I have to tell you that I do not need your he -"

She paused when she saw the hurt look on his face and immediately regretted bursting out like that.

Dean let go of her wrist and averted his eyes from her." Wow... I... I am sorry, I guess... "

"Dean, I..."

"No, no, it's ok..." he cut her off. "You can go to clean your room or whatever you want to do... I couldn't care less! And don't worry, I won't disturb you anymore..."

"Dean, look..." Y/N started, but he silenced her again.

"I tried, Y/N... I really did... I tried to get closer to you and hoped we could be friends... But you don't want to, so I understand and respect that!"

Y/N sighed and ran into her room, hating herself for being so stupid.

To be continued...


Next imagine : Dean O'Gorman X Reader (Part 2)

Next update : tomorrow.

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