2. Thorin X Reader

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Thorin X Reader

Summary : While crossing the Misty Mountains, Thorin starts insulting Bilbo, breaking the poor hobbit's heart, so Y/N decides to have a word with the king. However, the fight between these two doesn't end up pretty well...

Words : 2312.

Warnings : triggering.


Narrator's POV

The Dwarves, Y/N and Bilbo were hiking through the wilderness of Middle ­Earth, over ranges, mountains, and plains. They were currently crossing the Misty Mountains. The trail was narrowed and dangerous, with a cliff on one side and a sheer drop on the other side. There was a fierce storm in the air, with lightning and rain all around.

"Hold on!" Thorin ordered.

As Bilbo walked, the stone beneath his feet gived away and he started falling into the chasm, but fortunately, Y/N managed to pull him back just in time.

"We must find shelter!" the same dwarf stated.

"Watch out!" Dwalin yelled, making everyone look up, only to see a massive boulder hurtling through the air. It hit the mountainside above them, causing rocks to fall all around as they pressed themselves against the mountain.

"This is no thunderstorm...It's a thunder battle! Look!" exclaimed Balin.

A stone giant reared up from a nearby mountain and ripped off a massive boulder from the top of the mountain.

"Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants! Stone Giants!" Bofur spoke in awe.

"Take cover! You’ll fall!" Thorin yelled, trying to protect the others.

"What’s happening?" Kili asked confused.

Giant #1 threw the boulder far in the air and when the other stone giant appeared from behind the Company, it was hit in the head. The dwarves started yelling at each other to brace and hold on, as the rocks beneath their feet began to give way from all the vibrations and from the impact of the falling rocks. The ground between some of the Company members suddenly splitted, so a part of the group was on one side, and the other part on the opposite side.

"Kili ! Grab my hand! Ki-" Fili yelled at his brother.

As the two stone giants fought with their fists, the dwarves held on tight when they were flung around. One of the groups managed to jump to a different spot. A third stone giant appeared, and it threw a boulder at the head of one of the first two. That one fell over as the first group watched. It appeared to them that the other group of the Company has been smashed to bits. The hurt stone giant lost its footing and fell down the chasm.

"No! No! Kili!" Thorin exclaimed worried, as the group rushed to the spot where the others appeared to have been crushed, but fortunately, they were safe.

"We’re all right! We’re alive!" reassured Balin.

Y/N looked around, searching for the hobbit, but he was nowhere to be found. "Where’s Bilbo?" she asked.

"There!" Ori pointed out, while Dwalin was screaming at the others to get him.

Bilbo was hanging onto the edge of the cliff with just his fingertips. The girl dived onto the ground and tried to grab Bilbo’s arm, but Bilbo slipped and fell another few feet, before he caught another handhold. As the dwarves tried to pull him up unsuccessfully, Thorin swung down on the cliff next to Bilbo and boosted him up, where the others pulled him to safety. Y/N tried to lift Thorin back up, but Thorin lost his grip and began falling too; however she, with much effort, menaged to pull him back up.

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