33. Fili - Request

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Fili - Request

Summary : Nesisa wants to read, but it looks like Fili has other plans. (Erebor has been reclaimed, nobody died. XD)

Words : 894.

A/N : This imagine goes for Elvennerd55! It is a short one, but I think it's cute and funny. :) Hope you like it, mellon nín! ❤️


Nesisa's POV

It was about 7 in the evening, and I was seating on a chair in the library, reading one of my favorite books. I have always loved spending time there, because it was a very quiet and peaceful place, not to mention that I was surrounded by hundreds of books.

All of a sudden, I heard the door opening and closing shortly after, fact that made me look up almost immediately. As soon as I saw Fili smirking and walking towards me, I smiled, shaking my head.

"Hey, love!" he said sweetly, kissing my cheek. "What are you reading?" he asked, glancing at my book.

"Really, Fee? Even if I told you, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about! You haven't read a book in your entire life!" I remarked, grinning widely.

"Hmm... True!" he chuckled. "But you're done, right?"

"No..." I replied. "Why? Do you need anything?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"I want to cuddle!" he replied in a childish tone, and I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"Well, that can wait! I have just started reading anyway, and I don't want to be disturbed for a while!"

Fili sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. "But I want to cuddle!!" he repeated, whining.

"Oh, come on, Fee! Stop being so childish!" I snapped , getting ready to go back to my book.

He came behind me, kissing my neck and making me giggle, since I was very ticklish. "Pleeeeaaase! We haven't spent any time together lately!" he pleaded, kissing my cheek once again, while I sighed, pushing him away.

It was true that we have barely seen and talked to each other in the past few days, because he was very busy with helping his uncle. I was missing him too, but that didn't mean I was going to stop reading and cuddle with him just because he wanted to.

"I'm sorry, love, but the answer is still no!" I argued, trying not to give in.

"Nesisa, I am warning you! If you don't come to cuddle with me right now, I'll-"

"You will what?" I cut him off, narrowing my eyes.

"I... I-ughhh... I will not talk to you ever again!" he replied, and I immediately started laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, Fee... Whatever you say... Now, please, leave me alone! I really need to see what is going to happen to Stefan."

"Who the heck is Stefan?" he asked, frowning in confusion. It was obvious that he was jealous.

"Stefan is one of the main characters in the book, you idiot! Now leave!" I warned, starting to lose my patience.

"Fine, but next time you need someone, please, go to your Stefan! He's obviously more important than me!" he exclaimed, before rushing out of the room.

"This guy is unbelievable..." I mumbled under my breath, shaking my head in disbelief. Why did he had to be so clingy sometimes?

Sighing, I closed my book, placing it on the table, before getting up and following my boyfriend. I shouldn't have been so harsh and distant after all... Maybe he had an awful day and he really needed some comforting.

As soon as I saw him entering our bedroom, I ran into his direction, doing the same. When he saw me, he sighed, looking away and laid down in bed.

"Fee..." I whispered, laying next to him. "Look, I'm truly sorry! I should not have been so cold, especially not towards you. Could you forgive me, please?"

He didn't say anything... Just kept staring at the ceiling. "Come oooon, don't ignore me!" I pressed, grinning widely.

When he didn't answer, I sighed, changing my position, so I was now straddling him. "Nesisa, what are you doing? Get off me!" he exclaimed, trying to push me away.

"No!" I smiled, trying to resist him. Suddenly, I remembered that he very ticklish, just as me, so I started tickling him, in attempt to make him laugh.

"H-hey! That's not fair! S-Stop!" he said in between laughs.

"I'll stop only if you forgive me!"

"Ok, ok, you're forgiven! Just please, stop! I can't breath!" he chuckled, and I stopped, grinning down at him. "You're lucky I love you too much!" he stated, smiling from ear to ear.

"You're probably right..." I agreed, bending and kissing his lips softly. "Do you still want to cuddle?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" Fili sighed in relief, opening his arms for me, and I immediately jumped into them, hugging him tightly, both of us enjoying each other's company.

The End!


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