27. Fili - Request

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Fili - Request

Summary : Y/N is in love with Fili, but she's too nervous to confess her love to him, so she decides to push him away. Fili is hurt and thinks that the girl hates him, so he tries finding answers, but Y/N is the only one who can offer him one. However, everything happens with the 'help' of Kili and Bofur.

Words : 2404.

A/N : This has been requested by realbluewolf123! Hope you enjoy it! ❤️



It's been a few moths since Bilbo, my uncle, and I have joined Thorin Oakenshield and his company. At first, when the dwarves showed up at our house, in The Shire, we were both confused and angry at the same time; confused because we didn't expect any guests, and angry because they seemed to be very impolite and stubborn.

However, when Gandalf and Thorin told us about how they have lost their home, Erebor, which was now under the control of Smaug, a terrifying, powerful dragon, I knew that they needed our help. My uncle didn't like the idea, but in the end, he decided to come along as well.

Time has passed, so both Bilbo and I started getting closer and closer to the dwarves, who were indeed very stubborn, but also very kind, loyal, friendly and caring. Even Thorin, who used to be very harsh on my uncle and I at first, was now trusting and seeing us as friends.

The one who has caught my eye from the very beginning was Fili, Thorin's nephew and also Kili's brother. I do not know how, but the blonde, blue-eyed prince managed to hypnotize me as soon as he looked into my eyes and made me feel something I have never felt before.

I have never believed in love at first sight, so I thought I'd just ignore it, but then, I realized I was not in love with him just because he was very attractive, but also because he was the most amazing person I have ever met. He was brave, clever, funny, lovely, and the fact that he would sometimes act like an idiot, made me love him even more.

I thought about talking to him about that multiple times, but every time I tried, I ended up making a fool out of myself in front of him, because I didn't have the courage to actually tell him what I felt. For that reason, I decided to just push him away and ignore him as much as possible, hoping that those feelings would vanish.

"What are you thinking about?" I suddenly heard a voice, so I jumped in surprise, groaning as soon as I hit my head on the three I was currently leaning on. However, I relaxed as soon as I saw Kili, one of my best friends, who was now laughing hysterically.

"Stop! It really hurts!" I whined, rubbing my head and wincing in pain.

"S-Sorry, lo-love..." he said in between laughs. "I just... You should have seen yourself!" he added, right before collapsing on the ground and chuckling even harder, making me pout like a child and cross my arms over my chest.

"Hey, hey... What's so funny?" Bofur asked, as he approached us with small steps.

"Nothing... He's just being stupid!" I hurried to reply, getting up and going near him.

"Is he ever gonna stop or... ?" Bofur chuckled, glancing at me and then back at Kili, making me smile and shake my head.

"I don't know... Probably... He still needs to breath, doesn't he?" I grinned, earning a nod from the dwarf. Before any of us could have said anything else, Kili finally stopped and got up, a wide smile still playing on his face.

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