18. Pippin - Request (Part 1)

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Pippin - Request (Part 1)

Summary : Lucy gets transported to Middle Earth and she's badly injured. Pippin finds her and decides to help her...

Words : 1290.

A/N : Requested by UrgoZilla! I really hope you like it, my dear! I decided to make more than one part, because the imagine would have been too long otherwise. Thank you so much for supporting my book, by the way! You're amazing!
And wow... This is the fourth request for this week! Thank you so, so much for everything! It truly means the world to me to know that there are some people who appreciate my work!  Lots of love! ❤️


Lucy's POV

As soon as I tried opening my eyes, I immediately closed them back, trying to get used to the strong light that was coming from above me.

I slowly pulled my hand up and touched my forehead with my fingertips, because I was feeling slightly dizzy, only to realize that blood was dripping from my head.

Widening my eyes, I looked around and found myself lying on the ground, but I didn't recognize the place... Where was why? I was supposed to be in my bed, sleeping.

I must be dreaming...

However, as soon as I tried getting up, I fell back down, wincing in pain. Glancing at my foot, I gasped as I saw it was bleeding as well.

What the heck did actually happen?

Have I gotten kidnapped?

Am I going to die?

Looking up, I realized that I was surrounded by trees.

A forest... Why in the world am I in a forest?

Of course... Someone must have kidnapped me and left me here, all alone, in the wilderness...

All of a sudden, I heard a cracking sound somewhere close. At first I thought I was wrong, but then I heard it again and my heart almost stopped.

God bless me!

I slowly leaned myself on a tree and placed one hand over my mouth, trying to be as quiet as possible. My heart was beating dangerously fast and for a second I was afraid that I was going to pass out.


This time, it seemed closer than before, so my breath instantly hitched in the back of my throat, while a few tears started blurring my vision.

Closing my eyes, I prayed it was all a nightmare and I was going to wake up soon, but then I felt something tapping my shoulder, so I immediately jumped, letting out a choked scream. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a young looking guy staring at me concerned.

"Do not worry! I'm not going to hurt you!" he said as he smiled softly.

"W-who are you?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"I could ask you the same!" he chuckled, but his smile faded as he looked at my forehead.
"You're hurt!" he added.

"Where am I?" I ignored him, my body shaking in fear.

"Are you frightened?" he asked.

"Where. Am. I?" I ignored him again.

"Well..." he started as he glanced around.
"You're in a forest..."

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