36. Boromir X Reader

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Boromir X Reader

Summary : I do not think a summary is really needed. :)

Words : 1229.



I was laying in bed, sleeping peacefully, when I suddenly felt something warm pressing on my cheek, jaw and then neck, making me sigh and smile lightly.

"Rise and shine, my angel!" someone whispered into my ear, causing me to open my eyes slowly. Glancing at the person beside me, I met the familiar face of my wonderful husband, who was leaning on his elbow, watching me intently. His gaze was full of love and concern, his beautiful eyes shining like two little diamonds in the morning light that was peaking through the blinds.

I turned around, facing him entirely and placed one of my hands upon his cheek, caressing it slowly. "Good morning, my love!" I spoke in a raspy voice, letting out a barely auditable yawn.

Boromir smiled, leaning forward to brush his lips over mine, before moving to kiss my forehead. "How are you feeling today, sweetheart?" he asked quietly, taking my hand that was once resting on his cheek into his.

"Great, thank you!" I replied, grinning like an idiot. "Especially when you are here with me. You make my days and my entire life so much better, and I am very thankful for that."

"Well, I'm glad we're on the same line then..." he spoke softly, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it. "Cause I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met you." he added.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, watching him intently. "What do you mean?" I asked, but I, however, couldn't help but grin even wider at his sweetness.

Boromir raised his hand, moving a strand of hair away from my face, before glancing back at me, his eyes softening even more (if that was even possible). "You have no idea how much you have changed my life, do you?" he questioned, not really expecting an answer from me. "You see, when I was younger, I used to think that I was never going to be worthy enough to have someone to share my life with and love more than anything and anyone else in this world... In fact, I never thought that I was actually able to care about a person so much and be loved on the same manner... But then, my dear... God decided to choose one of his loveliest angels and send it to me to prove me wrong. Since the very first time I laid eyes on you, I knew that there was something about you... I knew that you were special... "he paused for a moment, a smirk replacing his breathtaking smile."Now tell me, my darling, who is the one that should be thankful, huh?"

I blinked, feeling the corner of my eyes watering. I tried opening my mouth to reply, but nothing came out... He left me speechless with both his words and behavior and, at the same time, he reminded me the reason I have fallen in love with him. Boromir was not only attractive, but also one of the sweetest, kindest, bravest and most intelligent people I've ever met. His heart was full of love and he had his own way of spreading happiness in the world, fact that only made me like him even more.

"I love you!" I said simply, trying my best not to get lost into his eyes. "And I will miss you... so much!" I added sadly, before letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Today was the day Boromir had to leave for Rivendell, to attend a meeting with Lord Elrond, Gandalf and some other soon-to-be friends of his.

From what I have heard, they were going to talk about The Ring Of Power, which had to be destroyed in order to get rid of Sauron. My husband was a very strong man, but the task was very dangerous, difficult and full of unknown. His safety was not guaranteed, thing that worried me extremely much, and the fact that I wasn't going to hear from him for a while, was making everything so much harder. I wish I could have come with him, but of course that, being the stubborn person he was, he practically forbade me to join him. However, I knew that he just wanted to make sure I was safe and unharmed, so I didn't start an argument about that.

"I know, my sweet, I know..." he trailed off, letting out a deep breath. "I will miss you just as much or maybe even more, but...everyone's help matters now, which means that I cannot just stay back and watch other people give their lives away in order to save the world." he added, looking at me apologetically and tightening his grip on my hand. "I was trained to fight and protect the people, so please, do not ask me to retreat... Not this time."

I closed my eyes for a second, sighing deeply, before nodding my head slowly. "Just.. Just promise me you will be careful and you'll come back to me... Please! I don't know what I would do if anything bad happened to you..." I whispered, my voice cracking every now and then, while my heart was beating as fast as it did in mine and Boromir's wedding day.

He smiled, pecking my cheek, before placing his head back on the pillow, wrapping his arms around me and bringing me as close to him as possible. "I promise!" he whispered, kissing the top of my head, just before both of us went back to sleep.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes only to find myself laying on the same bed, one hour later, but this time, something was different. Glancing at the spot beside me, where Boromir used to sleep, I realized it was now empty and cold, as if it hadn't been touched in weeks.

At first, I was confused, since I didn't know where to find my beloved. He could not have left so quickly, could he? However, as soon as I menaged to remember and comprehend what was happening, I sighed deeply, closing my eyes and allowing the tears to spill down my cheeks. It was just a dream. He had left two mouths ago, and he did come back, but not alive.

My heart was aching in pain and I couldn't help but let out the most heartbreaking sobs, sobs that were making my whole body shake, while the tears that were falling, were slowly and surely soaking my pillow.

Once again, I had to accept the reality, although it hurt me more than words could ever explain. One month ago I was informed that Boromir had been killed by an Uruk-hai while he was trying to protect two hobbits. He was now gone and there was no way he was ever going to come back.

Boromir, my love... Why have you broken your promise??

The End!


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