32. Lindir - Request

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Lindir - Request

Summary : Alayna visits Bilbo in Rivendell, and there she meets Lindir. They become friends and soon so much more.

Words : 2707.

A/N : This imagine was requested by Morrowseerer! I hope you like it! ❤️


Narrator's POV

It was an ordinary, wonderful day in Rivendell. The golden sun was shining brightly on the blue sky, sending its light and warmth over the land, while the sound of elven music was floating in the air, along with the smell of the multi-colored flowers.

Alayna smiled at the sight in front of her, happy to be there, in Rivendell, for the first time. Her chestnut hair was beautifully moving into the wind's direction, her hazel eyes glowing as she looked up at the cloudless sky.

Smiling, she glanced around the place, her eyes immediately falling on the elves. There were so many differences between her and them. They were taller than her, although she wasn't short at all, wiser, so much more polite and very powerful.

Alayna was a skinchanger. She was able to turn into a black wolf with ease, since she knew how to control her powers very well, and she was very strong, but, unlike elves, she didn't know how to use a bow or any kind of weapon.

Shaking herself out of her daze, the girl thought for a moment, remembering the reason she was there. "Bilbo..." she mumbled, just before walking away to search for the hobbit, who was now living in Rivendell.

Alayna has known Bilbo ever since he joined Thorin and his company on the quest of reclaiming Erebor. Although they had nothing in common, they have become very good friends.

After helping him, Thorin and the others reclaim their home, the skinchanger lost touch with the hobbit, because he has returned to The Shire. Unfortunately, he was old now, and Alayna thought that he took the right decision by moving to Revendell.

The girl kept walking, making her way through the crowd of people and looking all around the place, in hope of seeing her friend. She didn't know where to go, or where to search, because she has never been there before and Bilbo didn't tell her anything about where she might find him.

All of sudden, she gasped as she found herself bumping into a hard chest. Alayna stumbled a few feet backwards and almost fell, but a pair of hands gripped her right in time to stop her from getting hurt.

"My apologies! I wasn't paying attention to the road. Are you alright?" the person she bumped into asked softly, without looking at her just yet.

"Yes, yes! Thank you for-"

Alayna's words died in the back of her throat as soon as she looked up at the elven man who was standing in front of her. Not knowing the reason she had stopped speaking, he glanced at her, their eyes meeting for the first time. He inhaled deeply, his features softening ever further as they kept staring at each other.

"Hi!" the dark haired guy whispered, a smile plastered on his beautiful face.

"Hey!" the skinchanger replied, blushing and trying break eye contact, but she couldn't bring herself to do that, no matter how much she tried. He was just so... perfect!

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