12. Dean O'Gorman X Reader (Part 2)

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Dean O'Gorman X Reader (Part 2)

Words : 1144

A/N : Thank you, loves, for almost 400 reads! Hope you like it! 😊💕


Narrator's POV

Half an hour later, Aidan came back, only to find his friend sitting alone on the couch. "Hey... Where's my sister?"

Dean didn't even look at him, just stared blankly at the TV. "In her room..."

"Oh... Why?" Aidan asked, confused.

"She said she had to clean it up..." Dean muttered and Aidan started laughing hysterically, making the blonde guy look at him in confusion. "What the heck is so funny?"

"S-she...She never... She never does that!" Aidan replied between laughs.

"She never does what?"

"She never cleans up her room! In fact, she doesn't clean anything at all!" Aidan kept laughing, until he couldn't breath anymore, while Dean watched him, frowning.

"Well... It looks like she hates me more than I thought..." Dean trailed off, sadly.

Y/N's brother stopped and placed one hand on Dean's shoulder. "Trust me, mate... She doesn't hate you! It is actually the opposite!"

He slapped his hand over his mouth as soon as he said that, while his friend narrowed his eyes, looking at him hesitantly. "What do you mean?"

Aidan shook his head, bitting the inside of his cheek. "Um... Nothing, nothing! I think I have already talked too much!"

"Turner, I swear to God that if you don't tell me what's going on, I'll -"

"OK, OK!!" Aidan gave in. "Well... I don't think I should be the one to tell you this, but... My sister likes you, Dean..."

Dean gasped and widened his eyes, while Aidan continued. "She has liked you ever since you two first met each other, but... She thinks you don't feel the same, so that's why she's so distant."

His friend was still too shocked to say anything and he couldn't believe it.

"Look, I don't know if you like her too or not, but... No matter what you feel, please, just... Please, don't hurt her, ok? She's my sister and I don't want her to suffer, especially because of my best friend."

"Aid! Does she really like me? Please, I'm not in the mood of hearing jokes, so just tell me you are not kidding."

"Why would I joke about something like that? Y/N really loves you!" Aidan reassured.

"Did she tell you that?" Dean asked.

"Umm... Well... No, but..."

"Then how can you assume that she has feelings for me?"

Aidan sighed, trying to find his words. "Because... Because it is obvious!"

"Obvious? Aidan, are you even hearing yourself right now? Whenever I'm around her, she avoids me. That means she completely hates me!"

By now, they were both snapping and almost yelling at each other.

" I have already told you that she avoids you because she thinks you do not love her back! "Aidan argued.

"Bulls*it! You are just trying to play with my feelings! " Dean snapped.

"Play with your what? Dean, I would never joke about such a thing!"

Dean huffed, getting up of the couch. "Do you know what? I'm out of here! Call me when you are in your right mind!"

"You are impossible! I swear you are acting like a-"

"Hey, what the heck is wrong with you two?" Turning around, they saw Y/N at the bottom of the stairs, watching them with a frown on her face and her hands crossed over her chest. "Why are you arguing?"

"We are arguing because of you!" Her brother exclaimed.

"Because of me? What have I done?"

"This one is saying that you like me!" Dean sighed.

The girl gasped, widening her eyes. "W-what?"

"I told him not to joke about that, but he just kept -"

"Aidan, could you give us a second, please?" the girl cut him off.

Aidan rolled his eyes and huffed. "Fine!"

He went upstairs, to his room, leaving Dean and Y/N alone for the second time that day.

"So what did my brother exactly tell you, Dean?"

"Well... He said that you loved me and that's why you always ignored me, but don't worry, because I know that's not true!"

The girl started approaching him slowly. "Why do you think that's not true?"

Dean looked up at her, wide-eyed, getting a little nervous. "Well... Umm..."

He stopped as soon as she was right in front of him, blushing. Y/N smiled softly and looked into his eyes.

"'Well' is not an answer, Dean!" she smirked.

Straightening his back, he narrowed his eyebrows, staring at her hesitantly. "Do you... Do you have feelings for me?"

Y/N's smile faded and she looked down, nodding slowly. "I'm... I'm sorry, Dean... I thought I would stop loving you if I tried ignoring you, but in vain... And I know you don't feel the same, but -"

She stopped when Dean started chuckling all of a sudden. "What are you laughing at? Dean, it is not funny! Do you even know how much it hurts to think that someone you love don't love you back?"

Dean stopped chuckling and looked at her, frowning when he saw her teary eyes and heard her voice cracking. "Darling... What made you think that I do not return the feelings?" he asked softly.

Y/N's breath hitched in her throat and she widened her eyes. "Wh... What do you m-mean?"

Instead of replying, Dean wrapped his hands around her waist and brought her closer to him, pressing his lips over hers, gently. Y/N was surprised at first, but she then kissed him back, making him smile in the kiss by placing her hands over his chest.

Moments later, they pulled away, but their faces were still a few inches apart. Dean gazed into her eyes lovingly and placed one of his hands over her cheek, gently. "I love you!" he confessed.

The girl smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck, hugging him. "I love you too!"

"If you guys are done, I am expecting some apologies and thanks from both of you!" Aidan suddenly spoke, as he came back into the room.

Dean pulled apart from the girl, kissing her cheek. "Apologies? I'll show you apologies, Turner!"

He took all the pillows from the couch, throwing them at Aidan, one by one, hitting him in the head with them and making Y/N chuckle.

"Well... I guess that'll work too..." he laughed, making his way towards the two of them.

The End!


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