9. Richard Armitage - Request

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Richard Armitage - Request

Summary : Karla's sister dies and Karla visit her at the cemetery. When she leaves to go back home, she meets someone she never thought she was ever going to meet, who will menage to make her laugh and feel happy again.


A/N : This imagine was requested by Karla_Rowan_21 ! I hope you like it, dear! :)


Narrator's POV

Life... Death... Although the meaning of these two words is totally different, unfortunately people can leave the first stage and reach the second one very quickly. How fast can things actually change, right? It takes one second and ONLY one second of inattention for someone to lose their life. Sad, isn't it?

Karla knows better than anyone how painful and horrible it is to lose someone important. She's actually going through this at the moment, since she is at the cemetery.

Wiping her tears that seem to never stop flowing, the girl bent slightly to place some flowers and light a candle at her sister's grave.

Yeah... Believe it or not, she has lost her younger sister, Maya, in a car accident. Maya was coming home from college, but while she was crossing the street, a drunk driver hit her with his car, throwing her off the street and making her roll on the ground for at least 100 meters... She died before the ambulance could have reached her.

And... It hurts... It hurts, because Maya was her only family. Their parents died, long ago, when Karla was 15 and her sister only 5 years old.

Karla had no friends, no boyfriend, no anything, so nobody was there to comfort her anymore. She was now alone and on her own.

Memories kept flashing through her head, making everything harder. What was even more painful was that, when Karla and her sister last talked to each other, they fought and said things they didn't mean. The girl wished she could go back in time to apologize and tell Maya how much she loved her, but she couldn't. It was too late... Now, Maya was dead and she was never going to come back.

Taking a deep breath, Karla placed her hands over her heart and closed her eyes, letting the last few tears fall. "Rest in peace, my dear! May God bless you and take care of you at every step you take in Heaven! I hope you will find it in yourself to forgive me for everything I said and did wrong..."

She smiled sadly and got up, continuing, her voice low and hoarse from crying." One day we'll meet again... I promise! Until then... farewell, my darling! I love you and I'll never forget you!"

Glacing and her sister's grave one last time, she turned around and started walking back home.

She knew that her life was going to be so much harder without Maya, but she couldn't do anything to change that.

While she was walking, she didn't pay attention to what was happening around her. She just walked and walked, with her face down, looking at the ground blankly, her hands hidden in the pockets of her coat.

Suddenly, she found herself bumping into someone, making the person drop something on the ground.

"Oh, my God!" Karla gasped, as she bent down to pick up a broken phone, before handing it to the person in front of her, without looking up. "I'm so sorry... Please, forgive me! I... I wasn't paying attention and... I'll pay your-"

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