30. Thorin&Thranduil - Request

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Thorin&Thranduil - Request

Summary : Thorin and Thranduil have an argument over Y/N, while the dwarves are captured by the elves. Not being able to take a decision, Y/N goes to Smaug and asks for his friendship.

Words : 2209.

A/N : This imagine is for 7ma4ty3! 😊💋 I'm sorry if it is not as good as you probably expected, but I wrote it at 3 in the morning, when I was very exhausted. However, I still hope you like it! ❤️



It was horrible... How did I end up here? Locked behind some stupid bars, for trying to help some new friends reclaim their home... I knew it was a mistake from the very beginning, but I had to please my father and do as he told me to, didn't I?

My name is Y/N, and I am Gandalf's daughter. Some time ago, my father told me about Thorin Oakenshield, the King under the Mountain, who was now left homeless, along with his people, because the dragon Smaug took control over Erebor, The Lonely Mountain. The dwarves wanted to reclaim their home, which meant that they had to destroy the dragon. Smaug was a powerful creature, that couldn't be killed so easily, and that's why they needed help.

It was hard, VERY hard actually for me to accept going on this quest... Why? Well, first of all, let's not forget that the ones in need were dwarves. I have never had a problem with them, but Thranduil, on the other hand, hated them with all his heart. What did the King of Woodland Realm have to do with it? The answer is simple... Ever since I was a child, I have been living in Mirkwood, with the elves, which meant that they were very good friends of mine and practically my family. Helping the dwarves meant betraying them, and betraying Thranduil.

I've known Thranduil for many years, and him and I were very close to each other. We would always spend time together to talk about insignificant things or the kingdom. He wasn't as cruel as he seemed, but he wanted the best for his people, which was not always a good thing. However, I can't deny the fact that I was starting to have feelings for him, and I knew that he felt something for me too. I promised I would never disappoint him, and still, my father found a way of convincing me to help Thranduil's enemies.

During this little adventure, I have found out that the dwarves weren't that bad at all. Yes, they could be VERY stubborn sometimes, but they were also sweet, brave, clever and caring. They have done nothing wrong by calling for aid... Thranduil, on the other hand, was the one who had done a horrible thing by turning his back to them when they needed help.

Although Thorin was very cold and distant at first, we have grown pretty close. I found out that we had a lot of things in common and also menaged to discover the real him. At the beginning, he seemed emotionless and careless, but then, I realized he had feelings like any other person and he would do anything to make sure that his friends were safe.

Thorin and Thranduil were so different, yet so alike. But of course, they were never going to admit that, were they? What worried me was the fact that I cared about them and loved them both, although I knew I had to make a choice one day. And something... something was telling me that day was going to be today.

We were in the forest when Legolas and Tauriel caught us and decided to throw us all in the dungeons, except for Thorin. The fact that they menaged to lock me in there so easily, after everything I have done for them, was breaking my heart, but there was nothing I could do.

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