28. Aragorn - Request

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Aragorn - Request

Summary : Aragorn falls off the cliff and everybody, including Ria, who was his friend, but liked him secretly, thinks that he is dead. But is he really?

Words : 2109.

A/N : Finally an Aragorn imagine, thanks to my dear friend LittleElvenQueen! I really hope you like it, mellon! Thank you once again for all the support! And also, for the people who are reading this, please take your time to check out her story. She's one of the best writers out there and I'm sure you'll love her work! ❤️


Narrator's POV

Aragorn, Éowyn and king Théoden were walking on the plains of Rohan, the people following them slowly. The sun was shining warmly on the blue, beautiful sky, reflecting its light over the sharp grass, which was covering the field.

Gamling and Háma, who were riding through the crowd to scout ahead, rode over the ridge, distracting Legolas, who was watching the horizon as they passed. As soon as they reached a tall formation of rocks, their horses became uneasy.

"What is it? Háma?" Gambling asked, frowning in confusion.

"I'm not sure... " the other one replied, glancing all around the place.

High atop the rocks, an Orc Warg Rider watched them for a while, before charging down and attacking Háma, who was knocked from his steed to the ground and was rolling over as the Warg was bearing down upon him.

As they heard Háma's cries, Aragorn and Éowyn, who were talking to each other, immediately looked up.
"Wargs!" Gamling yelled, drawing his sword.

The Warg threw Háma away, turning to Gamling and attacking him. Legolas leaped from his lookout point and fired an arrow, felling the monster, while Aragorn ran atop the ridge.

"A scout!" Legolas informed, making the Strider run back to the hill, to Théoden, who was riding toward him.

"What is it? What do you see?" the king hurried to ask.

"Warg! We are under attack!" Aragorn replied, and the crowd immediately was reduced to blind panic.

Théoden turned to Éowyn and, it took him a while, but he eventually menaged to convince her to lead the people to the Helm's Deep. When he saw her leaving with the others, he charged forward, the warriors following him close behind.

The battle has started and everyone was now fighting, trying to keep up with the Warg Riders, who kept appearing. As he was trying to kill the enemies, Aragorn was suddenly taken off guard by a Warg and knocked from Hasufel. One of the Riders, Sharku, charged him and attempted to take him down, so the Strider grabbed the Orc's arm and pulled himself to the back of the Warg, behind Sharku.

As they charged across the plains, the Rider butted Aragorn off the monster, but Aragorn held on the Warg's hair. Dragged across the field, Isildur's heir drew his dagger, swinging at Sharku, but the Orc kicked him back down.

Finally, Aragorn managed to stab Sharku and to throw him off the Warg, but he was unable to let go, as his hand was wrapped in the creature's saddle. As the Warg started charging across the field of the battle, the Strider realized that a drop-off was approaching quickly, so he desperately tried to disentangle himself. Unfortunately, the creature charged over the edge, making Aragorn fall with him.

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