14. Legolas - Request

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Legolas - Request

Summary : Amanwen spends a lot of time with Thranduil and Legolas gets jealous, thinking that there might be something between them.

Words : 2685.

A/N : This imagine was requested by the lovely MiddleEarth111! Make sure to follow her (if you haven't done that yet) and check out her wonderful works! By the way, my dear, I hope you like the imagine! I don't think it is as funny as you would have probably liked (it is not funny at all), but I still hope you like it! I'm so sorry again for not being able to post it yesterday and thank you for requesting and for understanding! You truly are amazing! Love you! ❤️


Narrator's POV

It was a nice, sunny day in Woodland Realm and everyone was outside, enjoying the warm weather! Well... Everyone, except Amanwen. She was peacefully sleeping in her room, when suddenly a knock at the door shook her out of her dreams.

Groaning, she rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust to the strong light that was coming through the window. Another knock at the door made her huff in frustration and get off the bed. "Who the h*ll is there and what's the rush that I need to be awoken?"

"First of all, watch your mouth! I thought your parents taught you better than that! Secondly it's Thranduil, and thirdly I can disturb you whenever I want!"

The girl internally slapped herself for snapping like that at the king, and immediately opened the door."Goheno nín, my lord! I didn't mean to snap or swear, but I always get irascible whenever someone wakes me up!"

Thranduil smiled kindly and entered her room. "I forgive you! But you have to promise it won't happen again!"

"I promise it won't!"

"Good! I hope you know I wouldn't have disturbed you if I hadn't had something important to discuss with you!" Thranduil stated.

"I know, I know! My apologies again!"

The king nodded, trying to think about how to start. "So I have noticed that you and my son are pretty close to each other... Am I right?"

Amanwen gulped, agreeing. "Yes! Legolas and I are very good friends!"

"Then I'm assuming that you know that his birthday is going to be in two weeks...!?"

"I do! I actually wanted to talk to you about that, my lord, so maybe we could prepare something for him."

"That's actually the reason I'm here! I have realized that he deserves all the best! He is a great fighter and such an amazing son, but, unfortunately, he has never had a birthday party before. However, there's very much to do, so I'll need your help. But of course, only if you agree as well... "the king trailed off.

"My lord, Legolas is like a brother to me! Of course I want to help you! And I totally agree with everything you said! He deserves the world!"

Thranduil smiled widely. "Perfect! We are starting by tomorrow, ok? We have a lot to do!"

Amanwen nodded, clapping her hands together in excitement. "Totally, my lord! Can't await!"

~The next day~

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