Chapter 0ne

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"Tell me Weasley what is it that makes you so confident that you think you could get away with not paying attention in my class" his voice pierced through the silent class all eyes fell on the young ginger who's face twisted into unease as the robed figure moved towards him.

Charlie Weasley was moving his mouth like a fish trying and failing to produce an explanation, before he had even had the chance to talk the door slammed open making the Gryffindor and Slytherin forth year class cringe.

At the door was Professor McGonagall.

"Professor Snape the Headmaster wishes to speak to you at this moment" the tall woman was slightly hunched and gasping for small breaths.

"What is so important Minerva that you have to interrupt my final class of the day" Snape's face twisted into further dismay, what did the old loon want now?

"That is a predicament you'll have to discuss with the headmaster" McGonagall bided the man good day and left. The entire class was now staring at Snape waiting anxiously for their professors next reaction.

"What are you all looking at! Pack up and get out of my class room immediately!" students sprang from their seats and put away their work for theory potions and made a quick exit out.

It had been three years now since her death, three years of suffering loneliness without the only person he had ever loved, the death of Lily Evans. A broken bitter man he had become, all because of Potter and his merry little band of followers.

With a swirl of robes Snape swept round corners and took the many stairs from the dungeons to the headmasters office two at a time when reaching the entrance he spoke the password "Wham bar" the griffin didn't budge, he repeated it again but the out come was the same, the prideful man slouched and with much embarrassment spoke "Dip Dab Wham a-damn" the door finally opened. Snape strutted through to where the headmaster awaited his arrival with every bit of prior embarrassment flushed away.

"What is so important that you feel the need to interrupt my class" the headmaster merely sat in his chair, a lolly pop nestled against the inside of his cheek unaffected by the loud sneering voice of Severus Snape, the headmaster looked amused with his eyes twinkling with happiness, 'yes, this can work'.

"Severus, my boy I'm glad you've arrived as swiftly as you have" Snape cocked an eyebrow "you see I need you to run a quick earn for me" Snape kept silent "I need for you to collect Harry Potter" the room was silent Snape didn't say a word, his body was stiff his hands clenching, "Severus, I can see that you aren't exactly happy but please just do this one thing-".

Wind gushed around the room, raging magic loose sweeping up books and quills without mercy, slamming them into walls relentlessly.

"Not happy Albus? Not happy! I will not go out of my way, take time out of my life for James Potters son!" Snape shouted, he was furious.

"Severus calm down my boy! Think about Lily" the storm stopped and everything fell to the ground, all chaos ceased "think about Lily" Dumbledore said again but more softly this time.

The lolly that was once in his mouth was now in his beard but he ignored it, the headmaster moved to stand up but Severus just swiftly turned and said "I'll do it but don't expected me to help again" Snape then left with his robe flying dramatically behind him.

"What ever will I do with that Boy".

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