Ron Weasley

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Back in the park Severus Snape retook his place next to Lucius, his 'womanly' locks slapping Lucius in the face.

"Ugh, why Severus!" the blonde exclaimed as he removed the strands of hair from his mouth,

"Karma!" sang Severus.

"Did you deal with that creep up the hill" asked Lucius, inspecting his nails.

"It was Potter" Severus' voice was unreadable.

"Potter?" questioned Lucius, "like James Potter?".


"What did you do?" Lucius looked concerned.

"I agreed to a date with him"

"Excuse me?"

"I don't know"

"A date? Severus, he's a straight man. A dead man. A dangerous man. What where you thinking?"

"It seemed like the best way to keep him away from harry. Or, at least at bay", Severus eye line stayed on Harry, who waved in joy at him 'Batman".

Lucius stared at his friend, the gears in his brain turning slowly as he processed the information. "I guess logically it can work". Lucius ran a hand through his silky blonde locks, "Its probably the best way to keep control of him".

Severus stayed silent. Overseeing the play area with wariness, his son playing joyfully with Draco and other young children of different ages, but one boy caught his eye: Ron Weasley. And Severus wasn't the only one who noticed him. Harry saw him almost immediately and darted over to him with a squeal. Draco cautiously toddled over to the pair and stood by Harry silently.

"I'm Ron!" the small ginger exclaimed, outstretching his tiny hand, "Ron Weasley!".

Draco looked at him with disgust, 'Weasley?'. "Draco" and he grasped Ron's hand in return.

Ron smiled widely and hugged the blonde tightly, "You wanna play" he asked with excitement. Draco nodded his head and followed Ron and Harry-all holding hands-over to the climbing frame.

Lucius gazed over to his son, "Is that a Weasley?" he questioned hesitantly.

"Yep, and I see the rest of the spawn are here too" Severus replied and motioned to the large family across from them, a picnic set out on a large patch of grassy land with trees and flowers safely surrounding them.

"I can't believe I'm letting my son play with a Weasley" he said, shaking his head.

Severus laughed and shook his head, "Only you Lucius".

"Says the man who's willingly now juggling three different men"

"I'm a whore what can I say!" Lucius chuckled and then let out a choked laugh. "What?" Severus questioned, "What is it?".

Lucius pointed over to the trio. Harry and Ron stood under the climbing frame, hands locked, both giggling. Draco stood by them hands held out like an open book. The two men moved closer to the scene.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" the young blonde giggled.

Lucius cackled at Severus' expression as his son kissed Ron Weasley on the lips, giggling hyperactively and giddily jumping with his 'wife', 'husband'.

"Right Harry, its time to go home now!" Lucius laughed at Severus' hurriedness.

Harry looked at Severus with horror, "Now?" he asked, eyes full of tears. "Can, can I have a sleepover instead?". Severus didn't know what to say, Harry's puppy-eyes always worked on him, he had never successfully said no to them. The longer he stared into Harry's eyes the more open to the idea he was.

"Yes, but!" Severus pocked at Harry's baby belly, "It has to be next Friday".


"Cause Daddy needs to prepare for it" Harry nodded in agreement but Ron stared in confusion, 'daddy?'.

Saying goodbye to Ron, the two boys waved and left with their daddy's, with Ron running back to him mum.

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