A wilted flower

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"I beg your pardon?" Severus' expression was unreadable. His body was tense as he curled his fist into a tight ball by his side. Sirius on the other hand looked like he had seen a ghost.

Sirius was stuttering out a reply "Are you sure" he whispered and strode to Lucius who was now standing leaving Harry on the couch. Sirius balled his fingers around Lucius' jumper and lifted him up, "Are you sure!".

Severus jumped into action and pulled Sirius away from his dearest friend, throwing him to the ground body radiating with anger.

"Harry go to your room" he whispered sharply

"But-" Harry pleaded

"Now please" and the boy sulkily left.

The room was tense. Lucius was breathing heavily and dusting himself off. Sirius was on the ground panting his face graced a determined look as a plan seemed to be mapping out in his head. And Severus stood in the centre of the room not looking at either man. One he had just had sex with (twice) and another being his best friend but neither of them could stop him from running, it might just be the only option he has left.

Severus dashed up stairs, neither man having the reaction time to chase after him. Harry was sitting on his bed playing with an aeroplane. He was confused when Batman picked him up but latched onto him anyway without hesitation. Severus didn't dare look back as he apparited to a safer location.

Harry's bedroom door slammed open only to reveal its emptiness Lucius and Sirius look at each other and clung to then door frame for support. Neither knew where Severus would have run to. What the hell were they going to do.

Later on in the living room both men sat slouched on the couch listing ideas.


"No Severus hates gingers"


"Hates her too. And why would he go to that woman with a child!"


"Now your just naming Death Eaters, honestly, and no Severus and him had sex under the quidditch stands once"

"What happen?"

"Severus said he was a bad lay and he'd rather 'shove his dick in a transvestite version of Potter' it was rather harsh I must say"

"...Well, then...thats interesting. Does, does Snape tell you about his sex life?"

"Yes, thats what friends do, exchange stories. I think?" Lucius muttered the last part under his breath.

"How, how many people has Snape been with?"

Lucius laughed at Sirius' question, "Oh god! How many?" Lucius rubbed his forehead, an amusing smile on his face, "Way too many. In Hogwarts out of Hogwarts, men woman, he was very active"

"When did he stop"



"Severus became very different when Harry was introduced into his life. He cared. He would-will risk his life for him. It-I must say scares me. I fear for him. He's like my brother. Every time something like this has happened to him I die a little inside. What would we do if we lost him"

"Lose him?"

"Emotionally. He detaches himself from people. Drinks, a lot. He loses himself in the process. It's hard to get Severus out of it and I fear if anything happens to Harry then Severus may never come out of that state"

When Lucius was finished the two stayed in silence. Sirius learned a lot about Severus but the last part... it made him feel uneasy, this whole situation made him feel uneasy. James was alive! His best friend. The man he was accused of betraying and killing. One of the few people who truly made him feel wanted and loved. And he man he was falling so deeply for. Everything that was once ugly to him became beautiful. Like a wilted flower being resurrected to life with vibrant petals that danced gracefully in the gentle wind. Sirius was at a crossroad, left or right. Severus or James?

Sorry if writing is kinda sloppy, been very down. Writing as kinda gone to shit a bit so... enjoy if you can.

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