The pain

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Severus opened the door.

"Daddy" Severus was embraced by small arms that clung to his waist, the little face was buried in his hip, tears soaking the fabric of his shirt. Severus looked up and met his gazed with Sirius', Sirius gave him an awkward smile and whistled. The sound of clipping claws echoed through Severus' head, dog? In skidded a beautiful long haired dog, its fur dark and its snout graced with chestnut fur. Its tail wagged when it spotted Severus but when a figure stepped out behind Snape it started to growl. Sirius drew the dog back by its collar before it could attack the figure.

"Moony" Sirius whispered in disbelief. He was so shocked he nearly let the dog free from his tight hold. 'Moony' give a small wave to the shorter male and stood close to Severus, Sirius' eyes narrowed for a split second.

"Daddy! Pappy got us a new doggy! His names Gordon" Severus looked over at Sirius.

"You couldn't think of a better name, Padfoot?" Severus mocked, his tone lowered as Harry grabbed his hand.

"Its cause he's a Gordon Setter!" Harry was staring up at Severus, his eyes wide and sparkling. Severus looked at the dog with unease as Black held it back from attacking Lupin.

"He's a gift" Sirius smiled sheepishly, "you said that I'd have to when you found out"

"Black that was 3 weeks ago, it was late, how on earth could you remember that? Never mind, whats done is done. Now if you don't mind me I'm going to bed" Severus picked Harry up and placed him on his hip and climbed his way up stairs until he was out of view.

Sirius and Remus were left alone with only a growling Gordon Setter.

"So... You and Severus a thing now?" Remus went straight to the point, his face was hard and voice was ruff.

"Three years and thats the first thing you say to me" Sirius said in an even tone.

"You murdered James and Lily"

"I was framed!" His voice raised.

"They are gone because of you!"

"Is that what you think! Is that what you really think! You think I'd harm the person I loved the most!" Sirius was all but screaming, the dog was barking now.

"What was I supposed to think! Everyone was said you killed them!"

"And you believed them! You knew that I would never! That-that I would never do that to Harry!" and Sirius started to sob "And the first thing you say to me is about my relationship with Snape!" Sirius was on the floor clutching on to Gordon. Gordon gave a whimper, Gordon didn't choose this life.

Remus turned his back and opened the door, "You better stay away from Severus". Then the door slammed shut.

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