Glamour Woman

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James stood tall in a grassy patch of land, overseeing a bundle of hyperactive toddlers in the brightly coloured play park, giggling and screaming in their delight. A tense mother on a yellow metal benched glared over at him from time to time, she had short dark hair and a scowl on her attractive features, James had to ignore his desire to go down and flirt with her.

Down in the park a little blonde boy caught his attention, he felt a deep parental urge to see him, something he had not felt since the birth of Harry. 

A wave of despair washed over him. James had only had a year of fatherhood. It may have been a year of struggle but his love for his son was priceless and was the only thing that kept him sane in Azkaban. A man sat next to the attractive woman, his hair long and blonde, a child in the park matching the unique shade

"Lucius Malfoy" James sneered from the hill. He clawed for his wand and the woman stood up. She patted Malfoy on the head and made her way up the hill to him.

"Can I help you?" She asked, features twisting with hostility.

"Yes," he replied, putting on his best smile, "a date with you". Why did that feel so right to asked? His wife died three years ago, his son was stolen by his worse enemy yet she felt familiar and right.

"A date!" her voice grew shill, "Who do you think you are!" she asked in anger.

"James Potter" He flirted with a wink. She looked shocked.

"A date? Huh?" Her eyes darted from the park, Malfoy and him. "Why should I?".

"Because I'm dashingly handsome and very, very funny".

"Really now?" She cocked a brow, "I'm not sure I believe that".

"Well, you could find out".

"Hm?" She took a step closer.

"Go on a date with me?".

"Pay for my babysitter?".

"Sure" James smirked, "I'll see you here, this time next week" He winked and took his leave.

Fuck. Why did he do that? Lily... was I disrespecting her? And that woman, he didn't know her name. And she was with Malfoy too! Was she a Death Eater? Maybe, but he had never seen her around before. James left the park and apperated to the gates of Hogwarts.

"James!" Dumbledore exclaimed as he passed him in the corridor, "I've got a proposition for you my boy!"

James looked intrigued. "The Easter Break is nearly over and I would like to offer you a job".

"A job, what kind of job?" he asked.

"Defence Against the Dark Arts, the last teacher left his post before the break. So what do you say?"

"Yes," James said without hesitation, he needed money and he needed something to do other than obsess over getting Harry back, "Yes, yes, yes! Thank you Dumbledore!" James nearly jumped in joy, "I'll go and make my lesson plans!" and he sprinted off.

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