The Wrath of Albus Dumbledore

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Thank god Remus Lupin left. It had been a week since in the mutt left and nothing had changed, of course Snape had a bit more work to do and was less flexible with his time and Harry had asked a few times why Lupin left he had after all he had been getting a little attached to him but all was well. 

But something was amiss, it was too quiet, Severus didn't know why it bothered him, Lupin had only been there with them for not even 2 weeks so why did he feel cold when he thought of him? Snape didn't know nor did he want too so he pushed away the thoughts of Remus Lupin and carried on with the life he was creating with his deceased best friends son.

It was late one evening and Snape had just put Harry to bed when someone was on the floo network. Accepting the call Snape saw the face of Dumbledore "come over here immediately. Minerva will take care of Harry" then Dumbledore left without giving Snape a chance to speak.

Dramatic black robes flew behind Snape, it was late and very few students walked the halls of Hogwarts. In Dumbledores office the room fell tense after the offer lemon drops, Dumbledore sat before him his hands clasped and elbows resting on his desk, the half mooned glasses fell to the bridge of his crooked nose, Dumbledore lacked his happy-go-lucky demeanour and just started at the man with the long hooked nose.

"Severus" he started "it has come to my attention that Remus hasn't been with you and little Harry for quite some time now, is there anything you would like to tell me?" Dumbledore kept his grandfatherly voice but it barely reached his eyes, Severus was suspicious. 

"Severus you need to talk to me" Snape merely stared the man down. "Severus now is not the time to test my patience" the warning was ignored as was the others that followed. 

Anger ripped through Dumbledore, he slammed his hands down making the Potions Professor jump slightly "Severus how can I help you if you wont help yourself!" the headmasters voice was load and bellowing yet Snape still did not show weakness.

"Remus hasn't been informing me of Harry's well being, do you know what I'll be forced to do? We made an agreement, the only way you would be allowed to keep Harry was if Remus supervised the both of you. I'm afraid that I will have to take Harry away"

Snape stood up so fast that the chair was forced to the ground, once again Severus' magic escaped its hold and lashed out, it burned with fires from hell with the sadness and grief of two life times, it was powerful. 

"Don't you dare take away my son!" It hadn't been that long since Severus had taken the child in but it was only a short time till the child had climbed into his heart and when Snape cares for someone he doesn't let them go, they become his world. 

"I wont let you!" and in a dark mass of smoke he was gone. 

Dumbledore had never been so at a loss in his life, no one was able to apperate in Hogwarts grounds, in or out, so how could Severus have done it?

Spinners end had the same dark smoke appear and disappear. Minerva had never seen such a thing in life and panic and dread flooded her bones when she notice Harry was gone. Hours later after Albus filled her in on the days events with Severus, this forced Dumbledore to create a small army to find them both, for now though they will be unsuccessful.

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