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'What has become of my life?' thought Severus as he looked upon Harry's face which was full joy as he clutched on hopelessly to young Ronald Weasley, who was very much enjoying the attention he was getting from the other boy. Severus groaned as Harry tighten his hold on the youngest Weasley boy.

"Harry get off Mr Weasley now"


"Why not!"

"Cause I 'ove 'im"

"You what?"

"I 'ove him" Mrs Weasley giggled at the pair as they argued back and forth. Severus shot her a glare but she merely laughed it off. Bustling over Molly Weasley bent down and looked Harry in the eye.

"Harry, I'm Ron's mother would you like to join us for ice-cream?" Harry's eyes lit up and so did Ron's, Harry detached himself from Ron only to cling onto his hand. Severus looked at Molly in amazement and mutely followed behind her and her child.

"Where are your other spawn?" Severus asked as he handed Harry his chocolate ice-cream.

"Arthur has the day off so he offered to take care of them so I could get Ron some new clothes" Molly too was giving her son his desired ice-cream, the two didn't talk until it was time to leave, thankfully Severus had gotten Harry and himself new clothes and a full weeks worth of food shopping before running into Mrs Weasley.

When they got back it was five o'clock and time to make dinner for him and Harry. Letting Harry leave to his room to play Severus opened the fridge and remembered... it was Friday and he'd have to make a feast. So he got to it, first making Harry's dinner then slaving over the stove making the biggest portion of Spaghetti Bolognese.

Finished and exhausted Severus slumped on the sofa, closing his eyes for a brief moment until he heard the screams of his little boy.

"Harry!" Severus jumped and rushed to his bedroom, slamming the door opened he saw Black holding his son, collar around his neck.

"You dare try and take my child away" Severus had Black locked and trapped.

"Snape... You don't understand" Black placed Harry back on the ground and stepped back, Severus' wand was pointed between his eyes.

"What don't I understand" Severus sneered

"I just want Harry safe" Black, for previously being in Azkaban sounded sane.

"And you don't think he's safe with me!" Black was at a loss of what to say.

"I could send you back to Azkaban"

"Dumbledore's out looking for you too though" Severus thought for a moment and lowered his wand.

"Yes... that he is"

"Please Snv...Severus, I'm his Godfather" Severus pondered for a second and came to a conclusion.

"Fine. You'll be introduced to Harry in the morning but if you dare ever take my son away from me you will strongly regret it" Severus turned picking Harry up-who was shaking and crying-and left leaving Black to his thoughts.

"Oh and take the bedroom next to mine, take clothes if you have to" and with that he left, leaving Sirius behind.

After Severus had put Harry to bed he found Sirius in his crisp white shirt which covered a fair part of his body.

"You'll have to pay for the new dog" Sirius looked round at Severus in disbelief.

"Yeah" he muttered back and went to bed.

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