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In a dark room in a dark house lay Severus Snape sleeping peacefully with thick warm blankets wrapped tightly around his lithe body, curled up next to him was Harry Potter who's tiny little hands clutched the thick sheets of comfort.

"Severus~" a voice sung from the darkness "wake up sleepy head" a groan was the only reply from the now waking man.

"Come on gorgeous its time to get up" ruff fingers traced his jaw.

"Piss off Black" Severus slapped Blacks hand away from his face then sat up pulling Harrys sleepy body up with him so he was sitting on his lap and resting against his chest. Black looked at the pair a smile on his face, he looked at Snape in the middle of the bed with his best friends son wrapped tightly in his arms-for whatever reason he could feel no anger for the man-Sirius bit his lip and shuffled over to the bed.

"Black! What the hell are you doing?" Severus shrieked in shock as Sirius climbed his way onto the bed next to him, he was silenced with an unforeseen kiss by his worst nemesis. Severus should have fought back but for what ever reason he found himself kissing back. Sirius wrapped an arm tight around Severus' shoulder and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. A sneaky tongue tickled the entrance of the attached mouth and a cheeky nip of teeth opened the mouth. The sneaky tongue slipped in to explore the new territory and fight with another devious tongue, after winning the lengthy battle the tongue drew back as did the mouth.  Their eyes met for but a brief moment until Severus had realised what he had done. His eyes grew wide and face flushed, Sirius leaned in for another kiss but found himself pushed away roughly, Snape fled leaving the now waking boy with Sirius on the king sized bed. 

"Paddy?" the young boy questioned sleepily, his wide green orbs blinking up at him. Sirius didn't know what to say as the front door slammed shut, all he could do was pull Harry close to his chest and bury his face into the messy black locks. 

Severus ran as fast as he could. His barren feet were sliced and aching and his arms were blue but he cared not, for his only wish was to get as far away as possible. He tripped and stumbled until his legs gave out on him, he heaved for breath when he came into contact with the harsh ground. The forest was all but silent, not even the birds sang as the chilled wind swept across the ground. Snape's head whipped round when the cracking sound of branches reached his frost bitten ears. Snape look up at the figure, his vision was blurry and mind unfocused, before he knew it his head hit the ground, honey brown hair was the last thing he saw.

The smell was what woke him up. The smell of wet dogs. Severus groaned and rolled himself into an up right position, he groaned again and clutch his head in his hands. 

"You ok Sevy?" Severus hissed at the nickname. He tilted his head slightly to see Greyback at his left, smirking. 

"Don't call me that!" he growled out, his throat felt raw.

"Don't be like that Sleeping Beauty, maybe a kiss will make you feel better" Severus could feel Fenrir's smirk when he turned his head away. 

"Yeah? Well, in that case..." Severus trailed off with a sneer.

"Sounds like someones having a good time, eh?"

"Shut up Greyback"

"Feisty~" Greyback licked his lips and laughed at Severus' expression. 

Severus stood up and attempted to navigate is way out only to hit a broad chest, looking up Severus was bewildered to see Remus Lupin.

"You" Severus growled, stepping back. Remus looked sheepishly at the angry man. Severus' vision nearly blurred with raw anger, the only thing that kept him back was the strong hand that was placed on his shoulder, surprisingly the savage werewolf had quite a calming aura. Severus shrugged the hand away and walked to exit, only Remus once again blocked his path.

"We need to talk" 

"Do we?" Severus mocked "Because the last time we did that it didn't end so well"

"Yes, Severus we do" Remus said, moving closer to Severus. Greyback chose this moment to leave. "Severus... I-I didn't mean to upset you that night. I just-" Remus turned his gazed to the floor "-I really don't know. I just never wanted to hurt you" 

Severus' glare died down but his sneer was still ever present. 

"Severus..." Remus' voice broke "Please, I-I really care about you. I know what I said was wrong but I, I need you Severus. I want you". 

Severus looked at Remus as if he had just suddenly morphed into the wolf. His eyes were wide and mouth was parted, fear was what showed on his face. The one time he showed emotion on his face to him and it was fear, Remus had oh so wished for Severus to feel the same as he and jump in his arms but all he gave him was a look of terror. Remus had never felt his such pain. 

Remus took a step towards him.

"Stay away from me!" Severus whipped out his wand, "First Black now you, what sort of prank is this now!" Remus' expression went from confused to angry. Sirius was with Severus!

"What about Sirius?" Remus caught Severus of guard by his tone of voice, it burned with rage. "Tell me Severus!"

"He's staying with me" 

"With Harry!" 

Severus was confused "Yes, Harry's become quite attached" 

"Take me to him!"

"You cannot demand things of me!"

"Severus!" Their voices raised and their expressions matched one another, they were livid. Remus' eyes flashed yellow and Severus backed down. 

"Why?" he questioned

"I want to talk" Severus raised an eyebrow at this "I just want to talk. That's it" 

Severus grunted and motioned for the werewolf to follow. He had been here to long anyway. It was time for Severus to go home, even if Remus Lupin tagged along to see Sirius. The distance from his precious child was killing him.

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