They Fucked

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With all his courage Sirius barged in and promised to himself that no matter what it took he would have Severus, they belonged together, no matter how fucked up they were.

Sirius slammed open the basement door, there in the darkness was Snape hunched over his bench breathing heavily, his pale hands were marked with red which slowly seeped from the sliced skin. At the other side of the room was the thick shards of glass from smashed potion bottles, each shard ranged from the size of cheese knives to minuscule little daggers of doom. Severus angrily turned to face him, his face twisted with ugly outrage mixed with a dash of humiliation. He opened his mouth to whisper hateful things with his venom like tongue however, before he could utter a single word Sirius' mouth was forced on his. Once again their kiss was breathtaking, outstanding, neither of them could pull away. They were in a fits of passion. Severus pulled Sirius closer to him and slipped his bloody hands up Sirius' shirt, gliding them along the smooth skin and thick muscle that was being rebuilt after the withering time in Azkaban. Sirius let out a moan as he groped at Severus' erection feeling its luxury length through the black fabric of the trousers that unforgivably hide the treasure that was Severus' dick.

They pulled back momentarily to change position with Severus pushed back on the bench spread eagle, his long legs wrapped tightly around Sirius' torso. Severus moved his hands up to Sirius' chest and latched onto his neck, pulling him closer as he decorated the clean skin with love bites, leaving no area untouched. Sirius' moaned and pulled Severus back into a kiss, their fiery passion slowed as they each explored the others body painfully slow. Every second counted, it was unspoken, like their love for each other, they dare not utter even a whisper in fear of it all falling apart they were both so self-destructive.

During the heated session of kissing and touching Sirius had finally removed near to all of Severus' clothes. His hands gently caressed the too pale skin and lay kisses all the way down from Severus' belly button to the heel of his foot.

Severus' head was thrown back in embarrassment as a deep blush covered his face, wispy gasps and moans left the bruised lips as a thin finger penetrated him and started to gently open him up with saliva and sweet patients. Sirius stood and ever so gently kissed him. A wet head pushed into him slowly, hoping that no pain could be inflicted on the partner bottoming.

Severus let out pained gasp as Sirius' sizeable cock made it's way fully inside of him. The two were drenched in both sweat and pleasure as Severus' was being beautifully rammed by a previous prisoner of Azkaban. They grunted out their moans until climax hit them. Sirius collapsed on to Severus as he finished up his climax, the two smelt of sex and were too comfortable in the others arms to be bothered to sneak up to the bathroom and shower. Nevertheless Severus sacrificed his and Sirius' comfort to be clean.

"Where are you going?" Sirius called as Severus gather his clothes from the floor.

"To shower" he scowled.

Sirius grinned "can I join?" Severus only needed to grin and raise a brow for Sirius to jump to his feet and follow Severus' lead.

The two came out 20 minutes later freshly washed and smug as fuck. They turned into the living room and there sat Lucius Malfoy with their child playing on his lap. Lucius snapped his head around, that was not a happy face.

"Yes, Lucius?" Snape drawled as he leaned against the door frame.

"There is an important matter that I wish to speak to you both about"

"Couldn't wait for another day" Lucius seemed to not take likely with Severus' tone.

"You'll want to here it" Severus cocked a brow.

Lucius took a deep breath as though to prepare himself for what he was about to say, how bad could it possibly be?

"James Potter is alive". 

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