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Harry held Severus' hand very tightly as they entered into the furniture store, it was large with people bustling around unable to find anything anywhere. Narcissa grabbed Severus' arm and made her way with speed and accuracy as she navigated her way to the children section-one she had been to many times-where colour exploded around them as they looked at the bedroom displays for children of many ages, boys to the left, girls to the right, mix in the middle. 

"Oh how about this one?" Narcissa dragged them over to a display with a blue colour scheme, twin bed and wardrobe all in pine wood. Noticing the boys expressions she dragged them over to another display with a green colour scheme, double bed and a side table, and once again pine wood. This carried on for quite a while, the only thing that changed was Harry's enthusiasm, which got more intense as he started to see more things that he like, sadly though they were to bright for the dark old dungeon bat. 

Severus had gotten Harry up early so the shopping trip wouldn't take up their day but even then it seemed to drag on till the mid afternoon of the day much to the dismay of Severus. He hadn't even invited Narcissa to join him, she just came herself, Lucius must have told her. 

"Just choose one already" said Severus, his voice harsh with clear irritation. 

"Now, Severus thats not anyway to speak to a lady" Severus turned swiftly to the voice, anger and panic filling every part of his body. 

"Xenophilous?" the man was tall and leaning with wild long blonde hair and funky (hippy) clothes. The men  two hugged briefly.

"How the hell do you do that every time?"

"Do what?"

"Never mind, how are you?"

"Well, thank you. This is my daughter Luna" Next to her wild father was a young girl of three with Malfoy blonde hair that curled down her back, she was a cute child with curious blue eyes.

"Doing some shopping then?"

"Obviously" their conversation continued from there. Little Harry came running back to his father and saw the strange little girl who looked like Draco but a girl.

"Hi I'm Harry" the boy extended his hand like he had seen uncle Vernon do on many occasions.

"I'm Luna" 

"'Tis a pretty name. Do you want to see the new bed I'm getting?" Luna responded with a yes and was brought over to the low down bunk bed with stairs at the side where it was pushed up against the wall, it was made out of beautiful oak wood that went with the rest of the house. Narcissa was watching to two interact with amusement. 

"Come you two lets go get your new bed Harry" and she went of to pay for something that was not even for her.

After the dreadfully 5 hours of furniture shopping Severus was happy to know that he was back home although that happiness got squashed when he had to build the bed by himself, without magic (Magic and building do not go well together). Even after seeing an old friend Snape still felt like nothing could lift his spirits. Going into the kitchen had Severus draw his wand to the bulk of a man that was Fenrir Greyback stealing his bowl of oranges.

"Put that bloody bowl down right now" he was using his angry disappointed dad voice. Greyback found himself in a knot, one that seemed that he couldn't untie until he saw the boxes that lay on the floor not that far away. Smirking he had an idea.

"If I built that bed for you will you make my pack dinner?" it was an odd request but it saved Severus having to built the bloody thing and all he had to do was cook, it seemed like a fair deal and he was to tired to get another way out of building the bed. 

"Ok, only if you and your protect my son from danger around the house" 

"You make us dinner every Friday night and I'll organise it"

"Go up stair and take a right, the first door is my sons bedroom" leaving the room Severus flicked his wrist and the boxes started floating up stairs ready for Greyback to assemble.

Flopping onto the couch Severus let out a deep, lengthy sigh, gathered the tired Harry on to his lap and held the boy to his chest, with Snuffles up against him.

Sorry this took so long, also if it's not my best work it's just not as exciting as the next few chapter will be.


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