Mistakes Mistakes Mistakes

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It was on that dreaded Friday evening that had Severus' stomach in a twist, here he-she sat at a lone table in a restaurant-bar awaiting the arrival of a very charming and very hated man. Severus twiddled his feminine fingers and looked down at his legs, hoping his long dark dress was suitable for the occasion. The dress was Narcissa's, one of her favourites actually. It's fabric was soft and the pattern was summery with the brightly coloured yellow sunflowers dancing across the elegant surface on an emerald background. 

With a heavy heart Severus wondered if he had been stood up. Not that he would be surprised. James Potter was always a self-involved arse.  And he definitely just asked him here to get into his pants. Well, at least he wasn't hosting a sleepover unlike poor Lucius, what Severus would do to see the look on his face when a Weasley entered his beautiful Malfoy mansion. 

"Hey, Hope I haven't kept you waiting long" a man slid into the chair opposite Severus, a cocky smile upon his attractive face.

"Not at all" lier, Severus smiled in an attempt to be polite.

"You know" James started "I never did get your name" 


James smiled coyly, "lovely, what about your last name"

"Song, Verna Song"

James swooned, "Wow, its like you're a pop star with a name like  that" Severus laughed awkwardly and changed the conversation. Something that he had to keep doing as James had a habit of asking Severus about his life, especially his son.

James had asked how old Harry was, what he liked to eat what he didn't like to eat, what his favourite movie was (the Grinch), why it was his favourite movie (because it shows everyone has the ability to change) and even his bed time. It was exhausting. 

"Well, I think I'm going to call it a night James, thank you for the... lovely evening and dinner" and Severus dropped his cash on the table and turned to leave however, James caught his hand. Severus turned and glared.

"Would you... Would you like to come back to my hotel with me?" so he did just want to get in his pants. Well, two can play at that game. 

Severus mustered up all the sweetness he could from the bottom of his sour pit and smiled, "I would love it". Ugh no Severus, you have Sirius, don't do this. No, I need this. I need this control.

Sirius does not own me and like hell we're in a relationship after all the shit he's pulled, he's just sex. Severus tried to reassure himself but was Sirius just sex? Well, now was not the time to contemplate that. 

Severus - Verna - and James walked back to the hotel hand in hand. The two were silent as the bustling city moved by them in a series of brightly coloured lights in the dark misty evening. 

It was at the hotel, Severus finally spoke, "Mhh, nice hotel Mr Potter" 

James laughed, "A business expense".

Severus raised a feminine brow but decided not to ask questions. 

They continued to the room, fingers still laced together the cold was no longer biting Severus' bare, shaven legs when they reached the room, no matter how nice this hotel was they didn't seem to have the hallways heated which was just ludicrous on their part. 

James opened the hotel door and held it open like the gentleman he was. 

"The bathroom is over there if you need it" he pointed to the left of the room. 

Severus strode over to the loo and gave James a dazzling smile, "I'll only be a minute".

All Severus wished was that he could run and hide but this was his problem and fuck did he need to relieve his tension. 

Bringing his wand out Severus looked at himself in the mirror. He was covered in a glamour and glamours don't cover the physical body. Fuck me. Time to transfigure, let's hope Minerva talk him well. 

Holding his breath Severus waved his wand, and felt his body change. And it was not a pleasant experience. He let out a gasp when he looked at the mirror, throwing off the glamour. 

"God, I am a woman" all this for sex. You are such a whore Severus. 

Summoning what little courage Severus had, he opened the door and walked into the reasonably sized room and spotted James naked on the bed with a rose in his mouth, where did he get a rose?

"You ready?" Severus didn't feel like answering so instead he stripped himself of the dress and underwear, "God, if I knew you had no bra this would have happened earlier in the evening in the bathrooms". 

Severus tried not to roll his eyes and climbed into bed. 

"You're so beautiful" how ironic. 

With a gentle hand James stroked his new face, his thumb smoothing against its soft surface, seemingly mesmerised. Slowly, James moved in to connect their lips, wrapping his arms around Severus' waist. His hands moved down to cup his ass as he deepened the kiss. Severus was so lost in the kiss that he barely noticed how far gone he was. He was too far to back away now. From the outside of the room all you could hear the symphony of moans and cries. 

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