Turn left

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Deep in the forest lay the comfort of cave, its stone walls were littered with colourful doodles that stretched far up the ruff stone surface. Small pumpkins gently floated above heads giving a soft glow of light to those inhabiting the larger-than-seemed cave. At the mouth of the grotto sat Severus who was anxiously skimming the forest grounds in search for unwanted guests, his mouth was turned down in a twisted scowl with his hooked nose slightly scrunched. Soft foot steps echoed of off the walls with long strides, behind the dark haired man was Remus. His usual calm and collected aura was masked for underlaying rage, Severus could feel it tendrils slipping through the cracks of the false facade.

"I know you're afraid" Remus said as he took a seat next to the scowling man. "This is a very..." he paused thinking of the right words to say, "unique situation".

"Unique situation?" He rolled his eyes and scoffed, never bothering to look at the werewolf.

"James Potter is going to come waltzing into my life and take Harry away from me" Remus was silent as Severus huffed a few breaths trying to stay calm. "Harry doesn't even know who he is and yet he has full rights to take him away from me. That bastered can take the only thing I care about without batting an eye. I bet he wouldn't even let Harry see me if he did had full custody. I'm not his mother, no she's dead because she married that ungrateful specky git!"

Remus was shocked. Every time he seemed to meet Severus a part of him crumbled away. He is no longer the Severus Snape he once knew. He was broken really, really broken. Before in Hogwarts he stood and fought and overcame every problem that was thrown at him, but now he was lost. His child, biological or not, would, in the end be taken from him.

Severus might not be able to cope. Remus could smell it. The anxiety, the fear and depression that was creeping beside him, latching onto his wrist not letting him pull away. Looking at this broken man Remus felt an overwhelming urge to comfort and protect and nothing was going to get in his way.

"Daddy?" a small voice said behind the two silent men.

Severus half turned to see his son then wiped his leaky eyes with his sleeve and motioned the young boy to sit on his lap. A smile grazed Severus' lips when he saw a paper cone his Harry's tiny child hands, Harry looked up at him with his tiny perfect smile and plopped the cone on Severus' head.

"Hello daddy" he said, his voice was joyful and kind "I made a new friend! Guess what she's called"

"Mmm" Severus pretended to think, "Meela? Freya? Sarah?" Harry shook his head at each one.

"Nooooo daddy she's called Winslow! " his eyes sparkled with excitement "and she even has a twin brother! He's called Wilfred"

Severus gave the boy a warm smile, "Are they nice?" he asked in what one would call a motherly tone.

"Yeah! And they are super cool too! They're werewolves! Isn't that awesome! Though they say it's painful. I really hope they aren't in too much pain though" Harry rambled sweetly, his little grin never wavering as he talked and talked about his new friends.

"Harry! Harry!" a girls voice called from inside the tall cave. Little few padded towards them, two sets if Severus herd correctly. A little girl appeared, she skidded to a stop when she saw the two adults. The confidence that had been clear in her voice had wavered as she stood in front of Remus and Severus awkwardly, little fists clutching her flowery dress. Behind her was obviously her twin brother. The two shared the same characteristics, short shoulder length brown hair and piercing amber eyes.

When Harry noticed the two standing there he rushed out of Severus' lap and ran towards them, throwing his arms around the two squealing in happiness. Warmth glowed in the dark eyes of Severus Snape. Who knew that children could change someone so deeply.

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