The best plan ever

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(Sorry I haven't gotten anything out in a while its exam week)

Narcissa Malfoy was a firm woman, no one messed with her. She alike the rest of the Black family had a bit of crazy imbedded into her soul although Narcissa had a better hold of it but when it came to her family and those she held dear that hold snapped, at the moment the thread that weaved of sanity was coming undone. Lucius, Narcissas husband, kept her from ripping both Dumbledore and Lupin limb from limb, she was already in the process of casting a partonus to one of the Malfoy assassins but Lucius regrettably stop her forming doing so. She lay in bed staring at the ceiling conducting a plan to help out her dear Severus and his son when it hit her, she gracefully jumped out of bed startling her husband in the process and flew to the study ordering house elves left and right. This was going to be a glorious plan indeed.

Severus stood looking out onto the horizon through the massive window staring into the endless ground of the Malfoy estate with a boy in his arms, his boy Harry. It had taken awhile for him to recover, he had been physically and magically drained leaving him bed ridden from too long. Harry stayed by his side the entire time only leaving for a quick 30 minute play with young Draco twice a day, the two had been getting on swimmingly and both bonded over their love of snakes, of course there wasn't really a lot of talking it was just them waving their toy snakes around and 'hissing' but over all they had a good time.

It had come to the day where Narcissa's plan would be set into motion and she couldn't stop grinning, now this wasn't her usual grin she used with her Lucius no, this was the type of grin the Black family were famous for, lets just hope this plan won't go down hill.

"You what!"

"Severus is isn't that bad"

"Not that bad! Not that bad! You've given me a house surrounded by a pack of werewolves! Fenrir Greyback's and his pack, no less!" Severus started to pace.

"They're there to protect you Severus!"

"I don't need protecting it's Harry I'm worried about!"

"Thats why you have Greyback, to keep Harry safe. We have a deal, if any member of his pack gets too close they will face the consequences" Severus sighed and threw himself into a chair, his head rested on his hand. He was didn't know what to do.

"Ok lets see this place" Narcissa had never been so pleased with herself, Lucius just stood to her side looking pretty.

It was beautiful. Nature and wildlife surrounded the lovely stone brick house, it was big, of course it was, only the best of the Malfoy's. Trees surrounded the bigger than average cottage, even from the front Severus could see the small waterfall running down the side ending at a gorgeous lake that glistened from the beams of warm light. Harry was shaking from excitement, his Batman was all better and they had a new knew place to live, along as new friends! Harry grasped his Batman's hand and dragged his towards the door that Lucius was holding open so graciously for them. Inside was just a lovely as the outside, a chandelier hung low from the ceiling, the entrance itself was rather small and had large open archways to the living room and kitchen which later led to the dinning room. A small (only to the Malfoy's) bathroom was from the opposite of the kitchen and up the side of the wall was a curved stair case which led to the bedrooms, four of them, all ample sizes. A bathroom also accompanied the bedrooms upstairs but only the two bigger bedrooms had ensuites.

Harry let go of Severus' hand and ran to inspect every little thing, his giggles brought a smile (if you could really call it that) to Severus' face. Without realising it Lord Malfoy and his beloved wife had left him and Harry to settle into their new home. Leaving Harry to somewhat his own devises he unpacked all their belongings (they still needed to get Harry some proper cloths) and started to organise everything to his desire.

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