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The new dog had been chaotic. Not the cute new dog chaotic, no it was more of the regretful kind when they destroy everything you own and ever loved. Severus did not want this dog in his home and there was nothing he could do about it because of sweet little Harry. The dog was creating problems left right and centre such as spilling the water from his bowl (it was a dang big bowl) or knocking into Snape leading to a broken glass or plate and the worst of all was how muddy he becomes after going outside, the only good thing about it was his fierceness for Harry, he knew, wether her liked it for not the mutt would protect his Harry, even if it cost him his life.

Thankfully Severus could sleep away all the problems with the hound till the next day unfortunately today wasn't this day.

Early in the morning around 3 o'clock Severus Snape paced, the dog staring him down, never letting him out of his sight, Severus was troubled, by what you ask? Well, it was a subject young Draco had brought to his and Harry's attention, Harry was able to brush it off but this didn't seem to be the case with the boys guardian.

"Odysseus?" the dog shook his head.

"Kronos?" he shook his head again.

"Vulcan?" and again,

"Loki?" a pause and another shake. Yes, they had yet to name the dog, who in fact had been living with them for 5 days now and still they only called him 'Dog'. Losing his tranqulilty Severus pinched the bridge of his nose in anger and threw himself down on the couch next to the mutt. With a shaky breath he looked the beast dead in the eyes and muttered "Snuffles?" the dog yipped and jumping down from the sofa wagging his tail enthusiastically. "Snuffles?" He said again in disbelieve "You want to be named after a disease? Well, makes sense". Severus flopped back into the comfort of the couch as the mutt 'Snuffles' growled at Snape like he had done many times before. Supposedly Snuffles was a type of child's teddy, not like it mattered it'd just be a better if conversation ever lead to being asked about how they got to 'Snuffles' , so Snuffles it was.

"I feel like I've forgotten something" reaching into his back pocket he pulled out a small dairy and flicked through to the latest date and that's when his face paled. How could he forgotten that, Harry had been begging for it for so long, how could Severus have forgotten "shopping" it was only a small mutter but recognisable and you see the thing was this wasn't any type of shopping, it was furniture shopping, the type Severus hated the most, clothes and food shopping was more bearable, they ended after you've bought everything but with furniture shopping you have to build everything yourself, you see even in the Wizarding World you still have to build your own furniture. It was different years ago when you could buy your furniture and it would just magically set up with carefully crafted spells before being packaged sadly there where to many accidents and complaints to keep doing it so the entire Wizarding World have to build their furniture from scratch (expect rich people with their house elves), it was torture, Severus would rather be chancing his arm to make out with Voldemort. Yes, it was really that bad. Well, for him at least. The good thing is though he has 8 hours to prepare for the traumatising experience.

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