Black shaggy woofer

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The park they had apperated to had a beautiful feel of nature to it, across from them was the most child friendly park they had ever seen, children from 4 to 10 ran about the place giggling joyfully and dogs yipped as they where walked through the park on tight leashes.

On a bench the two old friends talked whilst keeping a close eye on the boys unaware of the gossiping woman on the bench next to them.

"Oh! Look at you two! You're just so cute!" one of the woman squealed in delight as they walked pass with their prams. This caught their attention and it seemed that they would be trapped into the woman's conversations.

"How long have you two been married?" questioned the other woman, her 6 year old son clutching her hand as she pushed the pram with her other hand. The two men looked at one another, Lucius didn't like that smirk on Severus' face.

"Oh we just got engaged" Severus had abandoned his famous Snape glare and smooth elegant voice, "did you know that when he proposed he didn't even get down on one knee!" Well, he was getting straight to the point. There was a collective gasp amongst the woman (More had joined the 'group' after hearing Snape's accusation), after that there was a mantra of 'oh my gods' 'how could you!' 'scum' and many more directed at poor Lucius all the while Snape had a most satisfied smirk plastered on his face Lucius had ever seen. One of the woman had nearly gone as far as to slap Lucius in the face but before she could go any further than a raised hand a scream pierced through the air and shattered the heart of every parent there, the scream of a child, Severus' child. Rushing to his feet he saw Harry running away from a big black shaggy dog, Severus pushed through the mass of woman to get to Harry in a hurry of panic only to see Harry on his back covered in dirt with the dog standing over him licking his face enthusiastically. Stomping over Severus took the dog by the neck and pulled it of off Harry who in which growled fiercely at Snape.

"Harry-" Snape started only to be interrupted by one of the park guards.

"Excuse me is this your dog?" the man asked looking up at the taller man with a serious expression.

Severus looked at Harry through the corner of his eye to see his big pleading puppy eyes. "Yes, he is"

"Well, I recommend getting him a leash, dogs aren't allowed to be in the park without one" then the man walked away, glancing back a few times before he turned to survey the next part of the park.

"Thank you thank you thank you daddy Batman!" Harry was jumping for joy and hugging the mutt around the neck in glee, both child and dog seemed to be happy. Taking a look at Lucius and Draco he sighed to himself 'what have I gotten into?'.

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