Chapter Three

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The closest place to apparite from Surry was Cokeworth, Spinners end it was amazing Snape got them both there in one piece considering how the toddler in his arms squirmed and cried, banging his little fists against Snape's shoulder. "That's enough of you!" Snape yelled placing the toddler on the ratty couch with much more force than necessary, Harry looked at the bad 'batman' and whimpered as his cry fell into quiet sobs, he didn't like this bad man. Severus sighed and grasped his top of his nose with his index finger and thumb 'this had become harder than he had anticipated' crouching to Harry's eye level he took the boys chin gently in his hands "Harry I'm not going to hurt you I need you to calm down for me?" Snape spoke as softly as possible wiping a few stray tears from the weak boys cheek. Surprisingly Harry calmed down instantly "You no hurt me?" Harry's voice was quiet as if he was testing were or not the boundaries on which would lie upon his stay. " Yes Harry I won't hurt you" Snape the swallowed his pride and put a tender arm around the boy who once again surprised Severus by snuggling into his warmth, they were now both of the couch sharing body heat.

It was late by the time Severus contacted Albus informing him of the days events, after Harry had woken up from the nap he had fallen into Snape then dressed any bruises in creams and fed the boy whilst forcing plenty of potions down his throat as well, although he did miss out the snuggling part. Albus was pleased to say the lest and their conversation seemed to be going well until Albus said for Harry to be brought back to him, Snape for some odd reason felt every fibre in his being reject to that idea he lashed out that the older man, refusing to even think about it, maybe it was because of the bruises he had say on little Harry's body or his skinny frame and unnaturally pale complexion but no matter why his acted as fierce as he did he did not care Harry had just suddenly become his first priority. It had taken time and when I say time I mean 2 straight hours of arguing, thankfully Snape had gotten Harry to drink a small portion of sleeping drought.

"Severus I have come to the conclusion that yes I will let young Harry be in your care but I have one condition" Dumbledore looked that the potion master seriously his frown was unclear in the fireplace "Remus Lupin has to live with you and supervise".

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