To Rock And To give.

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After I filled what looked like the independence certification just for a marriage license and a name chance papers, I was exhausted and planning on just move to north pole, maybe Antarctica. Iglus looked so quiet and Pacific. And cold could help to turn my anger down.
Maybe vodka? Maybe boxing. What the hell... I'd took both in that moment..
Exhaustion and hunger are a bad bad baaaad mix for me. Good luck to us we were renting an apartment close to the center. Club was way too far.
I had some homework of the online classes I was taking in Tennessee's statal. I was planning graduate earlier as book editor. So I took as many as I could pushed on my schedule.
But in this moment, I didn't care.
It was my wife birthday and I was getting free, I was allowed to get more involved in the gym, I was having (finally, after almost 4 years of wishing it) my name changed. With hard work I bought my first motorcycle. A 1999 hayabusa. So sexy. No national. But who cares? My ride to the club for the last 4 years was joni's bike. But for groceries, books, job and other stuff.... I had my very own beast.
When we finally get home, I took a long shower, I ate my weight in muffins and crash.
But again, apparently to my fiancee, sleeping is overrated. Because, once again, the asshole scared the hell out of me...
I'm so happy I didn't die of a massive heart attack on that birthday.

-Dallas, sweetness! We are going to germanyyyyyyyyyyy! We need to ckeck your passport after we get married and we are going to heaven, in Germany cold, but who cares! We can froze ourselves to death while we scream along Chester Bennington!

-what? Wait, what? Why would Chester will froze himself in Germany with us? Why are you trying to kill me again? It's because the first and the second time didn't work that you are sending me to Germany to get froze while I check in my deep happines Chester's body so I don't notice that's another menace to my life? Should I change my testament and leave everything I own to charity?

-Honey, what? Are you drunk? It's only 2 pm.

-I'm sleep deprived you bastard! I'm already wanting divorce and we didn't get married yet!

-oh sweetie! Honeymoon, we have honeymoon! And involves Chester! -he use a perv face, let me tell you, that face scared me more than he waking me up screaming!

I'm hoping nobody allowed him near Chester, or Mike, or Joe for that matter. I don't think those guys appreciate joni on fangirl mode. Or stalking gay mode. It's creepy.

-why would we do that? Germany is so far from Nashville.

-Shut up drama princess! We are going to Germany for rock am ring. Linkin Park will play there!

-What? Are kidding me? When? I need to start to organize everything. Hotel, food, package, you suck at planning joni, so I'll do the list for you. We need a budget, cards with basic language to not end eating dog food or something you can be allergic to. Plus I don't want to end in some strippers bar, I need at least 6 hours language reaserch in the library....

-Dallas!!! Stop! I'm sure most Germans understand basic English, they're used to receive outsiders for festivals like Oktoberfest.

-we need to learn some basic stuff before we travel. It's not fair that we assume that just because they have festivals they all know our language. After all we are going there....

Suddenly, I felt fuzzy for a few seconds...

-Why in hell did you slapped me in the face?

-You were doing that Dallas thing again....

-what thing?

-you were completely fricking out and murmuring non-understandable stuff....

-you asshole! You broke my brain! I was putting ideas together and you just blow everything away! Oh dear Lord! I'm not feeling so good....

-why? What happened?

-You slapped me! I'm pretty sure you broke my brain! I need a diet Pepsi....

-but you are a coke person!

-is getting worse.. please teddy bear, I need an iced Pepsi now!

-Iced? Remy call 911, I think I broke Dallas!

-you did what?! Dallas? Are you ok? What happened?

He was shacking me so hard, I felt like a cosmopolitan -to-be.

-Chazzy slapped me and broke my brain, I think my sugar Is low... Remy can you get me some peanuts rocklets, the green ones!? Please sweetie, it's an emergency.

-oh no, chaz what in hell did you do? She can't stand that shit, she was a chocolate m&m person, that's why I adopted her!

-guys I'm feeling goosebumps. I need last Britney spear's hit so I can shake this out of my body. Hit me baby one more time... -even joking that song felt wrong!- oh guys, I can feel the rhythm!

Then a strong hard voice take the shit out of the 3 of us, making Chazzy and Remy abruptly stop crying and complaining each other.

-Dallas, stop traumatizing my kids!

-Sorry pops! I'll stop now, but for the record, they get traumatized so easily.

-I know, babe. Sometimes I talk to Mr Davidson asking why he sent me a pair of assholes as sons. I really had the hope they ended applying Ru Paul's drag show instead of the mc.

(That particular comment was so weird and odd that I should suspected further but I decided let it slip).

-they are really good dramatizing everything right?

-Yeah, I'm sure this pair could take Ru Paul's to next level... Maybe daily shows.

-hey! We are both still here you know?

-we counted on that, son. I was hoping you take your old man advice .

-joni, call 911, I think we broke pops, too.

Waiting For The End. (Complete) (EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now