p r o l o g u e

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Sundays are almost always peaceful. People would laze in their beds and not wake up until noon, that's when they realise that having breakfast at one in the afternoon isn't so good. Younger children would wake up before their parents to watch a new episode of their favourite cartoon on the tv. Sunday - the last half of the weekends - is a part of the world's international annual holiday, isn't as exciting as others that happen only once a year but lots of people look forward to it nonetheless.

Including me.

To me, the right way to spend a sunny Sunday is to go out and enjoy the sun along the harbour. So that's what I do.

Tip toe-ing out of the house, I make my way to the bus stop. The day is still cool as the sun starts to climb higher into the sky. Spring isn't as hot as summer, it's also isn't as cold as winter. It's just right. But spring also means lots and lots of pollen, making me sneeze the life out of myself often.

Yeah, that isn't so good for the colour of my nose. I can't be Rudolph in the middle of September.

Not many people are out right now. Only early risers who decided to go out for a run, and a couple or more people in suits stopping an airport taxi. It's quiet, and I like it. A complete difference to the chaos and drama happening not too long ago, and this, this is a huge breather.

There are light footsteps beside me, getting more and more louder as the clock ticks by.

"Hi," the person says. I look to my right and see a familiar looking girl and I offer her a small tight-lipped smile to be as polite as I possibly can. My eye is threatening to roll itself, but luckily, I hold myself back.

"Hi," I say in reply, digging my hands further into the pocket of my jumper.

"Why are you up early?" she asks, raking her hair back to put in a ponytail.

"Why are you?"

The girl shrugs, "oh I don't know. I just wanted to talk to you."

This girl... ah.

"Yeah right," I roll my eyes at her.

"Hey, we're friends right?" she asks, the tone a little too cheerful.

In your dreams honey.

"I saw you getting out of the house earlier," the girl continues, "and I thought, since I don't know you well, I might as well take this opportunity to get to know you. Alone."

"Why do I feel like there's an ulterior motive to that?" I answer in a monotone voice. Do you know what I want to do right now? Fly to the North Pole, or Fiji, or Brazil... just somewhere where this girl can't reach me.

The girl laughs, "you're funny, no wonder Martinus likes you."

I almost stop walking, but thank goodness my brain is still somehow functioning that I don't make it obvious.

"Don't bring him up," I say, subconsciously clenching my fists. This is too much.

The girl tilts her head, biting her lower lip and her cheeks puffed out as if restraining a laugh. "I swear to God, you're the funniest little bean I've ever met."

If only I can punch her in the face, I would. "I didn't even crack a joke," I flatly point out, exhaling heavily.

"Listen here, Sera," she stops, placing her hands on my shoulder and turns me to face her. "Martinus, he's way out of your league."

"Who said I was interested?" I scoff, my heart cracking a little. I look up to face her. She has her face twisted in a sickly smile, her cold grey eyes icy and honestly, if it wasn't for be being a little angry, I would definitely be terrified.

"Nobody," the girl grins, "you just kind of... implied it."

Oh now she wants to get on my nerves.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" I groan in annoyance, "leave me alone, I don't need drama."

"You need them every now and then to live a life, honey," the girl says.

"Your dear Martinus," she says slowly as if she's talking to a child, "is out of reach. So stop acting like you're really close to him, because you're not."

"You're his nobody."

I don't know what I ate for dinner last night that makes me feel this intense wave of energy, but I let it out, pushing the girl back.

"You've ruined my Sunday enough already," I mumble, trying to keep myself cool, "or are you just a crazed fan of mine that wont leave me alone?"

"Just leave. Him. Alone."

I feel two hands on my back pushing me forward. Then it happened like slow motion. I lose my balance and begin to fall.

All I can see is a fence of a house next to where I'm standing and I'm getting closer and closer to it. My mind can't register all this, all I can see is the white paint of the fence and not a moment later, a soaring pain hits the back of my head and the side of my arm. It feels like my head is caught on fire as the pain spreads every where else. I groan.

My vision becomes blurry, and the voices around me are now faint whispers. A small crowd has gathered, I can tell my the shadow casting over me.

But I don't focus on them. Instead, I focus on the sound of a familiar voice. She gasps.


"Oh my God!" she exclaims.

My consciousness is slowly fading out, the world is spinning and the noise of people in a rush wraps around me like a blanket.

"Help!" I hear her voice in the distance. "I need the ambulance, like, now!"

"My name?" she pauses as if hesitating.

The pain in my head gets bigger and bigger, light is slowly fading and I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Isla, my name is Isla. Please, hurry!"

Hi!! It's me.

How was it? Too intense for a prologue? Good? Bad? I don't know, let me know.

Welcome my smol mactinus beanssss! Part 2 of Camera! I'm sooo super excited to bring this to you because I've been thinking about this for a very long time and I just want to share it out the world. I hope you enjoyed the first bit of Action and I can't wait to write more about it!

As you can see there, Isla is in the story! You do remember her, right? She is an important character in this story and I think I'm more excited to write about her than any other character to be honest lol. I hope you'll enjoy what's to come in this story and have a great wonderful Sunday!

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