t w e l v e

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s e r a f i n a

"Wow, you really made an effort," Marcus comments, eyes growing wide at the flowers Isla brought. The bouquet takes up almost half of her size

"I have a heart, you know," she plainly says, placing them next to Serafina's bed where it sits in the glorious morning sun.

"That's good to know," Marcus says, continuing on his project to make Fruitville - and so far, it has seventeen residents.

"It's the last day of filming, isn't it?" Marcus asks, changing the subject, abandoning his small fruit town, "it must be a relief."

"Kind of," Isla says honestly, "it was fun. It's a shame that this happened halfway through it."

"Have you seen the media?" she asks the boy.

Marcus groans, "unfortunately. Man, how did they know all this?"

Isla becomes silent. Of course they know. Media has its way lurking into people's business like worms in the dirt. Sooner or later, they're going to find out she did it. If only she didn't let jealousy over come her, if only she had listened to Martinus about Sera.

If only's don't make a difference, though. What's past has passed.

But she isn't willing to let go.

This is all her fault.

"What's all your fault?" Marcus speaks up, hearing Isla mumble under her breath.

Isla freezes. Did he hear? How did she say it out loud?

"I ..."

"I .. uh .. nu - nothing," she stutters.

Marcus doesn't look convinced, "something's bothering you."

"I - it's fine, really ..." Isla insists, "nothing."

"You look troubled," Marcus says, "if it makes you feel better, it's not your fault, Isla."

"You know you could always talk to me," he continues, watching how Isla's facial expression darkens in discomfort, "if you're not comfortable with talking about it with Tinus."

"I ..."

"I'm fine, Marcus," Isla brings up a stiff smile to her face, "but thanks though, I appreciate it."

To avoid the conversation, she stares at the flowers by the window. There's a part of her that wants Serafina to wake up fast, so her friends, her family wont worry about her anymore. So she can go out and hang out with Isla and that they'll be friends.

But another part of her wants the girl to stay like this. Still, stiff, almost life-less. To save Isla from all the humiliation, the hate she's going to get. So her secret will stay hidden, nobody will know.

That's selfish, she knows, but sometimes, you just feel like that, you know?

"I think ... " Isla gets up from her seat, "I'm going to go now."

She flashes Marcus a small smile before walking to the door.

"Isla," Marcus calls, "please talk to someone, you look really burdened."

"I will," she answers.

"But, who says it has to be now?" she adds under her breath so that Marcus wont hear.

Idk what to say here tbh. But hey, tomorrows monday:( here at least haha. anyways bye:)) hope you enjoyed it.

Please dont be a silent reader:)

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